Chapter 2338 Desert (40)

It's a pity that Princess Fengling didn't come.

It didn't show up at all.

Adair Khan saluted the Great Khan unhurriedly.


Big Khan looked at him with a round belly.

"Where's the princess?"

This matter is so serious, she didn't show up?

He was visibly displeased.

Adair Khan stood up straight with a cold face.

His dark eyes swept over the bed.

The person on the bed was half dead, and he was clearly a brother who was related by blood, but he seemed like a stranger.

No concern, no worry.

Complete indifference.

"Father, if you think there is a problem, you can tell me that Her Royal Highness is a distinguished guest, so naturally there is no need to participate in it."

In a word, he typed back lightly.

On the bed, the dying second prince almost couldn't get up.

"..." The Great Khan didn't make a sound after being blocked by him.

After a while, he said: "Adelahu was injured by the princess after all, and he must be given an explanation for this matter."

"Father thinks, is it possible?"

Adair Khan sat on the chair, his eyes were cold.

It even seemed to be mocking.

"Father really thinks that with the strength of Her Highness the Princess, we can make our mighty second brother like this?"

You can really laugh out loud when you say it.

The face is gone.

"..." Adaima coughed from the side.

He raised his hand and covered his mouth, as if he wanted to laugh too.

This thing is really funny, forgive him for not being able to control it.

Big Khan's face turned blue and white.

So what can he do?
The facts are all there, if he doesn't believe it, he has to believe it, doesn't he?
"Then what do you mean, Adelahu is pretending to be sick?"

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that it is impossible.

At this moment, Adelahu's face was pale, and he was no longer human.

In just one day, he seemed to have walked thousands of times in hell.

Body spasms, convulsions, lingering.

How could it be a faux pas?
The Great Khan said: "No matter what, someone really saw Adelahu kicked out by the wind spirit."

"Adel Khan, my son, I know you like her and are interested in her. For your sake, this matter can be ignored."

"But she has to come and apologize, and she has to find a way to get your brother back to health."

This is his biggest bottom line.

Do something wrong, you must apologize and save.

The Great Khan thought he had given a very lenient request.

Unexpectedly, Adair Khan sneered, as if he really wanted to protect the calf to the end.

Calm and chill.

"What my father said is that if you do something wrong, you will naturally have to apologize."


"Adelahu molested my fiancée, how should I settle the debt?"

As soon as these words came out, Great Khan was stunned for a moment.

Adaima, who was watching the show, seemed to raise her eyebrows.

Unexpected, but also within reason.

He admitted her identity.


"No, fiancee?"

The Great Khan stood up.

The flesh on the belly seemed to be shaking for it.

On the bed, Adelahu, who was half-conscious and half-awake, made a sound with his forehead.


The severe pain nearly broke his vocal cords.

Can only lie there like a corpse, unable to move.

Adair Khan's tone was neither hasty nor slow.

"Father should know that I hate it when others touch my things."

"If you touch it, father, what should you do?"

(End of this chapter)

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