Chapter 2343 Desert (45)

He reaches out.


The little princess was so angry that she wanted to bite him.

Adair Khan leaned over and watched quietly for a while, his eyes fell on the weak waist.

After being tortured by him all night, it was blue and purple, and there were palm marks.

It's all evidence of him taking advantage and playing hooligans.

The little princess was very annoyed and stared at him.

Adair Khan looked at it for a long time, lowered his eyes, and stood up.

Went to get the medicine box.

"Feel sorry."

The attitude of apologizing is very good.

I took the medicine for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, and opened it.

The little princess looked at him without saying a word.

Not relieved at all.

Very squeamish.

Adair Khan pressed her shoulder.

When he lay down to apply the medicine, the little princess slapped his pillow fiercely.

Said she was very upset, very upset.

Adair Khan lifted up the hem of her clothes, revealing her mottled waist.

The cool ointment was applied on it, and she shivered sensitively as she rubbed it lightly.

Pressing, resting on his own arm, staring at him with watery eyes.

He looked like he was staring at the culprit.

And a certain culprit, An Jing.

His eyes kept falling on her waist, and his movements were very gentle.

It seems to be studying how soft a woman's waist is and how hard she can't use it.

"Does this hurt?"

He put his big palm on her back, rubbing it.


The little princess was lying on her stomach, so it was inconvenient to look back.

Humming twice, barely an answer.

Meaning, okay.

After all, she has a strong recovery ability, and she is not considered injured. Those little bruises look scary, but they will heal soon.

"how about this?"

His hands landed on her waist on both sides, rubbing and pressing, "Does it hurt?"

Without the obstruction of the thin layer of clothing, his hand touched her waist.

There is always a bit of indescribable meaning between the movements.

It seemed to be taking medicine, and it seemed to be taking advantage of her directly by taking advantage of the medicine.

It's not very hard, but it makes people blush more than hard.

The more you knead, the more wrong it becomes.

"..." The little princess came to her senses and turned her head.

"Hey you--"

"Has he touched your place?"

He suddenly leaned over, next to her ear.

With cleverness, he didn't press on her.

It's just that her body enveloped her, her breath covered her, and her breathing was heavy.

Somewhat hot.

The heat spread all over her cheeks.

She froze for a moment and blinked unconsciously.

"No, he didn't touch me."

She answered subconsciously.

In this world, besides him, who else can take advantage of her?
"Really do not have?"

He seemed to kiss her, on the cheek.

Very fragrant, very soft, and very slippery.

There is always an alluring energy.

Asking her tone seems to be very concerned, but it is loose.

It seems to be diverting her attention.

The little princess's attention was successfully diverted.

Wrinkled nose, a little unhappy.

"you do not believe me?"

Dog man, just bully her, but still don't believe her?

He slowly rubbed her waist, and slightly hooked his lips.

Hu stubble silently rubbed against her.

"He bullied you, he deserves to be kicked."

"...?" She didn't understand what he meant.

"You caused the strange disease?"

He has been holding her attention, so that she will not pay too much attention to her waist.

After the effect of the medicine is exerted, the pain will go away, and you will feel much better.

She was led away by his words without saying a word.

Not speaking is the default.

He laughed, and didn't seem to blame him.

Just touching her face means a lot.

"My little princess is really amazing."

He didn't ask where her abilities came from.

(End of this chapter)

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