Chapter 2349 Desert (51)

After he took his leave, Her Royal Highness put away the wet handkerchief, her face was as usual.

Continue to pick up the grass, tease the rabbit, and smile.

The mood remained the same, and was not affected by his visit.

Teasing the rabbit's ears is a joy.

The maid who was still yelling loudly in front of Lu Shaodeng just now stepped forward quietly with a respectful voice.

"Your Highness."


Her Royal Highness, the beautiful fair-skinned princess, glanced at her and raised her lips.

"what happened?"

The maid showed a little hesitation.

"Your Highness, what you said to General Lu just not true, is it?"

She said she was being watched, bullied, and had nothing to eat...

If the eldest prince finds out about these things, no matter whether they are true or not, I am afraid they will all be ruined.

The consequences are unbelievable.

Her tone was cautious and respectful, "Your should be a joke...we dare not—"

"Oh, I lied to him."

Her Majesty the wicked princess, resting her chin and smiling.

"Don't worry, I won't say it in front of Adair Khan, you are all fine, I know."

The maid then breathed a sigh of relief and felt relieved.

"Yes, thank you Your Highness."

The future princess has a good relationship with the eldest prince, and she doesn't usually put on airs.

It's really easy for them to serve here.

Thinking this way, the maid quietly retreated.

Stand aside.

Her Royal Highness continued to play with the rabbit leisurely.

Humming a song, leisurely leisurely.




at night.

The moon is out.

After the snowstorm and sandstorm passed, it was rare for the Western Regions to have a few days of good weather.

In order to hurry back, Lu Shaodeng led the rest of the people to leave in the evening.

Cloaked in darkness, the team gradually moved away until they disappeared in the east.

When we left, few people from the tribe came to see us off.

Except for the third prince, only the princess remained.

The great Khan did not appear, and the eldest prince went out to patrol the army, but he was not there.

As for the second prince, he was still dying in bed recuperating.

I can't die, and I can't get better.

It is impossible to appear.

After watching the group leave, the third prince, Adaima, leaned against the stake and took out his fan.

Recently, he has been imitating the way of Han scholars, holding a fan and pretending to be a learned man.

Squinting, fanning, with a look of secretiveness.

"What, can't bear it?"

He looked at Her Royal Highness who had been looking into the distance, as if he wanted to follow.

"It's impossible to want to go."

He fanned the fan in a serious manner.

"The marriage contract between you and my elder brother has been finalized. I'm afraid it will be difficult to leave at this time."

"..." Her Royal Highness glanced at him without emotion.

Still not moving, looking outside.

"... Really want to leave?"

Atema looked at her and then outside.

"Aren't you afraid that my elder brother will be angry?"

"You are noisy."

Her Royal Highness is a little disgusted.

"This fan is so ugly, it really suits you."

Adaima's smile froze, and she got up, "Hey——"

Her Royal Highness raised her hand and made a grimace.

"Hit me if you have the ability, do you dare?"

A fox pretends to be a tiger, but he is very capable.

Not long after coming here, he was able to gain the power of Adair Khan.

Adair Khan dotes on her and is willing to give her anything.

This also led to the fact that Adaima couldn't even fight back in front of her.

Every time I suffer from being dumb.


He pointed at her with his fan, unable to say a word for a long time.

On weekdays, he is smooth-tongued, can say anything, and even flirts with girls.

(End of this chapter)

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