Chapter 2353 Desert (55)

"You know, I only like you."

Very natural tone.

He was slightly cold.

"Before that, you were still standing so close to him."

He was talking about the time he went to the Great Khan Station for breakfast.

That time, Lu Shaodeng stood at the door and said a few words to her.

It’s true that he hasn’t said anything, not even half a minute——

He appeared and interrupted them.

"..." Her Royal Highness thought about it for a while, and then Wei Wei fell silent.

"Where is it close..."

There is obviously a distance of about one meter in the middle, and it may not be possible to touch it with one's hand.

Moreover, Lu Shaodeng is a rigid person, abides by the rules, and has always adhered to the dull idea of ​​​​different status, so of course it is impossible for him to dare to approach her.

he is...

Keep in mind, is it coming to settle accounts after the fall?
She puffed out her cheeks and grabbed his flesh.


Rake upside down.

"Then who made you so indifferent to me then?"

"Always act like you don't want to talk to me."

It's also thanks to her thick skin that she has no shame in chasing people.


She hums.

He touched her ear, his words unclear.

"Really, did you like me at first sight?"

"No one else?"


She was fierce and took his hand away.

"You don't believe me."

"I've said it all, the only person I like is you, no one else."

In Han Chinese terms, this is probably called...

love at first sight?
She poked him, "Don't doubt me anymore!"

"If you doubt me again, I will get angry."

She didn't like that he didn't believe her.

I don't like it at all.

Emotions are all expressed on the face and in the tone of speech.

She is like a child in front of him, careless and scheming.

Very straightforward.

Adair Khan grabbed her fidgeting hand and seemed to laugh.

Turn over and pin her down.

"Well, I believe so."

Whether he really cares about him, whether he really likes him, he can tell.

The little girl was really well protected, her emotions were always so passionate without knowing it.

Thinking about it, it's because she has been loved all the time, that's why she's so pure in terms of feelings.

It is easy to trust people.

She hugged him, humming.

"Don't even think about it."

Being pampered all the time is also pampering.

He hummed, which was rare, and seemed to hide a bit of tenderness.

Gently, touching her face.

I like her straightforwardness and simplicity, and I seem to want to protect her innocence carefully.

Fairytale-like innocence.

"Good girl."

It's really heartwarming.

"Go to sleep."

He kissed her.

Before marriage, abide by the rules.

Just kisses, no deeper steps.

She looked at him with bright eyes.

"Then you promise me, don't doubt me any more."

"it is good."

"Don't doubt me and other men."

"it is good."

"You have to believe everything I say, and I won't lie to you."

"it is good."

Rarely, easy to talk.

It was a bit unexpected.

She raised an eyebrow.

Suddenly so easy to talk, then she...

"Also, in the future, listen to me in bed."

"If I say no, I won't."

He also had the guts of a bear's heart and a leopard's heart, and dared to fail no matter how many times he stumbled.

Trying to stand up as a serf and sing.

This time, he paused.

Instead, he sighed inexplicably.


He promised quickly and flatly.

The cheek was pinched, and then, he got off her body and hugged her.

"I listen to you in everything."

The premise is that she can still speak.

(End of this chapter)

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