Chapter 2356 Desert (58)

It was already warm inside the felt tent.

The temperature was more than 20 degrees, and she wore too many clothes. Her Royal Highness once felt hot.

She sniffed, lowered her head and rubbed it, and waved her hands.

"I'm fine, I'm not cold."

Someone was probably scolding her.

she thinks.

The maid held the comb and saw that she was in good health and rosy, so she was a little relieved.

Continue to brush her hair, gently.

"Your Highness, it's cold, the eldest prince ordered you to wear a cloak to keep out the wind when you go out later."

"Your Highness, your body is weak, and you can't catch a cold when you are newly married."

I've caught a cold, and I'm afraid the wedding will be postponed.

Her Royal Highness sat upright, rubbing her nose.

When she heard that she needed to add more clothes, her little face collapsed, her elbows rested on the table, and her chin rested.

"Wear again..."

Adair Khan simply wrapped her into rice dumplings and let it go.

I don't know what he was thinking, but he always felt that she was weak and couldn't bear the cold outside.

Get dressed when you go outside, even if it's just for a few steps.

She looked in the mirror, and the beautiful girl with long hair in the mirror looked at her too.

The two eyeballs are black and white, and the water is full of light, with a sense of water that is full of movement and seductiveness.

Red lips and pink cheeks, skin white as snow.

He was wearing a bright red fine woolen robe, and a coat with short wide sleeves, slits and embroidered edges.

The embroidered red waistcoat was draped over her body, long and dragging on the ground.

The gorgeous and bright red made her already bright eyebrows even more dazzling.

It is like the only desert rose in full bloom in the desolate and lonely desert under the heavy snow.

Proud, bright, gorgeous.

It is the only warm color in the world of ice and snow.

Incomparably touching.

The crisp silver bell on the wrist rang softly.

Under the candlelight in front of the dressing table, silvery light was silently refracted.

Like moonlight, soft and pure moonlight.

Tenderly locked in her hand, the touch is light and smooth.

It's a beautiful work of art.

With beautiful people, complement each other.




Her Royal Highness the little princess has been dressing up for a long time.

The bun is made into a single, and the red hijab is covered.

The red hijabs of the Turkic people are not like the red hijabs of the Han people. Their red hijabs are very long and big.

It is a very light veil.

It was very softly attached to the bun, hanging down long to the ankle.

During the movement, it is as silky and smooth as the shadow of the moon, finely dotted with broken diamonds.

Refracting light, red and colorful.

It does not cover the face, but gently wraps it around the body.

The color and shadow are hazy, as if a filter has been added to the whole body.

Exudes a faintly soft light.

The maids were skillful and arranged her makeup, hair and clothing respectively.

Her Royal Highness didn't need to do anything, just stand, open her hands, like a manipulated puppet, let them do it.

A little bored, she even yawned.

Seems a little sleepy.

The maid adjusted her veil, then took another veil and put it on her.

Covering the face that was too beautiful because of the makeup, only the clean and clear eyes that were inadvertently seductive were exposed.

Yingying was suffused with sleepy mist, a little lazy, but exceptionally eye-catching.

I'm afraid that one glance will make people lose their souls and lose their hearts.

The maid looked at her, pursed her lips and smiled slightly, "Your Highness is so beautiful, like a goddess descending to earth."

"..." Her Royal Highness murmured and blinked.

After thinking about it, he shook his head.

"I'm not a goddess, I'm a fairy."

Those goddesses are not as good-looking as her.

(End of this chapter)

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