Chapter 2358 Desert (60)

When it was time to walk a long flower path, he picked her up directly.

You don't even need to walk, just grab him quietly.

There is no need to kneel and worship, but to bow and worship instead.

Praying to the sky is also free, he doesn't believe in this, and he doesn't need her to ask the sky.

When you have absolute power, you don't even need Lord Wu's blessing.

Deviant, despised the heavens.

He didn't care about any rules, but never let her go.

He held her waist tightly, showing that he cared about her.

Very concerned.

He married her, so she was naturally his closest person.

The closest is also considered the most important.

will be number one.

Adaima stood in front of the crowd, waving her fan and looking ahead.

Such an indifferent and burly person has always looked cold and unreasonable on weekdays.

Wearing old-fashioned clothes and living a life of self-denial and ritual.

Apart from power, there is no other desire.

Over thirty years old, no woman yet.

I don't want to look for it either.

Like a lonely and powerful beast, calm and self-disciplined, he has always been alone.

Don't have too much affection for others.

Even for fathers and brothers who are related by blood.

The feelings are not deep.

There will always be an indescribable sense of distance.

Do your own thing, this is the principle he believes in.

He also did a good job at one point, almost perfect.

Such a person, Adaima once thought, he would always be like this.

Until I can't do it anymore, I am lonely and die of old age.

There is nothing to ask for in life.

He watched quietly, his eyes falling on the girl standing beside him.

She didn't reach out, and didn't need to.

From the beginning, that indifferent person has been hugging her.

Either hug her, or touch her head, or straighten her cloak to prevent the hat from being blown off.

In short, he never let her go.

His gaze follows her almost all the time.

He was very nervous about her, anyone with eyes could see that.

Adaima's thoughts drifted away.

So far, back to the moment when he met the princess.

He suddenly discovered something that he hadn't noticed at the time——

Such a cold, unfeminine person allowed her to get so close.

It was so close that even his mount reacted, wanting to make a physical attack.

His horse was raised by him since he was a child, and his temperament is almost exactly the same as his.

Hates women, gets annoyed when women approach her.

If you get too close, you will kick it.

Kicking and kicking, I don't know how to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade.

I don't remember which princess who didn't know how to live or die before, also from the Celestial Dynasty, approached.


He was directly stunned by the raised horseshoe.

If the person next to her didn't pull her out of the danger zone in time, she would be finished.

Being kicked heavily by a horse that has been on the battlefield, let alone a doctor, even the gods of Da Luo can't save him.

The scene is quite thrilling.

He remembered that time, but he also remembered that when she approached, he didn't say anything.

Even the horse didn't move, he grabbed the rein, very psychic.

It seems to know, not to kick.

Obviously, the position she was standing at that time was already at a dangerous distance.

As soon as you reach out, you can touch the horse, and you can also touch him on horseback.

She also stared directly at him, looking at him without hiding it at all.

At that time, his reaction was already wrong.

At least, she wasn't rejected.

Think of all kinds of later.

Give her my felt tent...

Obviously not in the habit of having breakfast with his father, yet he came here suddenly early in the morning...

In order to protect her, she blatantly contradicted her father...

Even for the first time, he arranged for his own people to take care of her and protect her...

He didn't say anything, but he treated her differently from the very beginning.

It's very different.

(End of this chapter)

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