Chapter 2362 Desert (64)

Without a single effort.

The bride was lying on the bed, her long jet-black hair was spread out, and she looked at him with beautiful and moist eyes.

A slender hand rested on his arm.

Hard, not soft at all.

I touched it, probably burned it, and then withdrew my hand all of a sudden.

With a light cough, he met his black pupils that were gradually stained with desire.

Strong desires, well known as dangerous vortexes.

Slowly, slowly, bit by bit.

Her hands were pushed aside.

The belt was untied, but the wedding dress did not come loose, only a little loose.

Her eyelashes trembled, she got too close, and her cheeks became a little red.

Dyeing a beautiful blush, her lips are magnificent and slightly pursed.

He also seems to know what's going to happen next.

"Adel Khan..."

Her voice was small, and her wrist twisted unconsciously.

The Snow Rabbit at the side watched, the host was pressing the hostess, his naked upper body was strong and strong.

Keep pressing, in such an overly silent yurt.

Only the slight movement of the clothes rubbing against each other was quiet and the sound was exceptionally clear.

The frail body of the hostess was almost completely covered.

The two white snow rabbits watched quietly, and the two pairs of red eyes did not blink.

looked curiously.


After a few glances, the hostess' coat was thrown over.

Inadvertently, it can just cover the entire cage.

The line of sight was completely blocked.

The ears of the two snow rabbits shrank, too frightened to move.

Can't see anything, only hear the small voice.

Gently, softly, like a cat.

Intertwined with the sound of heavy breathing, it makes people's ears red, and it also arouses infinite reverie.

People can't help but want to tear off the cloth to find out.

The snow rabbits shrank and remained motionless.

He was covered with a cloth to block his sight, but he didn't move around.

Quietly, huddled in a small space, listening to the sounds outside.

Forbearance, but enthusiasm.

In the cold winter, it is endlessly hot.





a few days later.

When Adelahu was finally able to go to the ground and walk out of the tent with the support of his servants, the outside world had almost changed.

The Great Khan abdicated, and the throne was passed to Adair Khan logically.

Now, Adair Khan is the new Khan, and Feng Ling has become the supreme and noble princess.

At the beginning, she kicked him, making his life worse than death.

But now, she has climbed up to Adair Khan, and she still has the ability to make his life worse than death.

As long as she wants.

With the support of his servants, Adelahhu went to meet the new Great Khan and the new princess.

Along the way, all he heard was how the Great Khan loved and pampered the princess.

The concubine loves to eat food from the Central Plains, so the Great Khan spends every day trying to get fresh fruits and vegetables from the Central Plains, even if the price is too expensive.

Sometimes even sky-high prices.

The concubine loves beauty, so the beautiful clothes are sent in boxes and boxes until they pile up into mountains.

The princess loves to ride horses and ride the wind, and the Great Khan would take her with him when he went out to inspect the military defense, and he did not shy away from her identity as a Han.

Never watch out.

He looked like a foolish king who was obsessed with beauty, and was almost completely seduced by the princess and lost his mind.

Everyone is saying that His Royal Highness Adair Khan has changed a lot.

No longer sane, especially when it comes to the princess.

If the princess is willing, she can even control Khan at any time and make him do more crazy things.

Disastrous to the country and the people, it is very much like what the Han people often say - vixen.

A vixen who calls a man crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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