Chapter 2364 Desert (65)

Adelahu walked slowly, coughing from time to time.

I lost a lot of weight and my body became weaker.

She no longer had the arrogant and obscene arrogance she had back then, nor did she have the arrogant appearance of the second prince.

The long-term and strange illness tortured him, leaving him with serious sequelae.

Not physically, but mentally.

He even felt a little afraid of Feng Ling's name.

Especially after drinking the wine she brought over, his pain disappeared.

He was in a daze for several days, and when he appeared in front of Her Royal Highness again, he didn't even dare to look at her.

The servants supported him and bowed down in front of the new Great Khan.

The charming and charming Princess Wang Si sat beside the Great Khan.

The long hair is rolled up and decorated with red hairpins.

The tips of the brows are graceful and gentle, and the bright eyes are clean and pure.

Black hair and red lips are too beautiful.

Like the sun god believed by the Turkic tribes, it is so dazzling that people dare not look directly at it.

Adelahu looked up and glanced at her.

Then, his body trembled physiologically, and he quickly lowered his head.

dare not look again.

On the contrary, it was the bright and charming Princess Wang who lowered her eyes quietly and looked at him.

She was wearing a bright red and charming winter dress, with ivory white hands resting on the skirt.

Playing with each other, the fingertips are warm and pink like flower buds.

He didn't say anything, his eyes were a little casual.

Like an insignificant person.

Necessary pilgrimage time, necessary pilgrimage.

Her Royal Highness Wang Hao looked at him for a while, and her hand was grabbed by the man beside him.

Gently squeezed it.

Like a warning.

He is very jealous, and she is not allowed to stare at the strange man next to him on weekdays.

Especially mature men.

She grabbed him and held on tightly.

He lowered his head and stopped looking.

Quietly holding his hand and playing.

Don't talk, reduce your sense of existence.

After kneeling down and worshiping, Adelahu stood up slowly with the support of his servants.

It is full of resentment, and it is also extremely unwilling.

It's just that he is still very weak at the moment, and he can't be tough at all.

His face was still pale, and his body hadn't recovered well.

He looked at the new Khan—Adel Khan.

The new Khan sits on a high throne, wearing a robe, a ribbon around his waist, and riding boots.

The broad and strong shoulders supported the heavy fur.

The deep and cold eyebrows, the handsome facial features that are as clear as sculptures, and the boldness that is not angry and majestic.

It was like the reincarnation of the creator, indifferently, from top to bottom, staring at him.

Noble and unattainable.

As if looking down at an ant.

Adelahu took a step back.

As if afraid to confront him.

They are clearly brothers, but they meet like enemies.

The elder brother is cold and ruthless, while the younger brother is timid and weak.

He subconsciously looked at Her Royal Highness.

For some reason, her eyes were drawn to her.

Perhaps it was because the torture she brought him was too deep, or maybe it was because he remembered her sudden kindness.

After being tortured for a long time, in despair, I suddenly got a gift——

That feeling is very strong.

Inexplicably, I felt that I was different to her.

At least, she couldn't bear him to keep suffering.

"His Royal Highness."

Adelahu, who has weakened, looked pretty good when he was sick and weak.

Less obscene and wretched, more melancholy nobleman temperament.

He just looked at her sadly and hesitantly, as if he wanted to say something to her.

Straight up, looking.

Almost, hit a minefield.

Adair Khan's minefield.

(End of this chapter)

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