Chapter 2366 Desert (67)

He is different from him. His ambition is not power, nor does he want to sit in that position, and he doesn't want to deal with so many things every day.

His ideal is to live a life like a wild crane.

Go wherever you want, wherever you want.

So, he doesn't care.

Anyway, he's already in line.

Adair Khan will not treat him badly and can give him what he wants.

In return, he would naturally help whenever he could.

Including - pulling away his brother who was like a mad dog.

He waved his fan very elegantly.

Ignoring his cursing, she fanned her a little, and tapped on his chest.

"It's okay if you don't listen to me."

"Brother's temper, you and I both know."

"I can let you off this time, but next stare at the concubine's sister-in-law again, guess..."

"How about big brother?"




will make him die.

On the throne, the cold and ruthless young Khan, the eyes of the dark elves fell in the direction they were leaving.

Emotions and anger are not obvious, and the deep and beautiful eyebrows and eyes are cold, as dangerous as killing people with invisible ice blades.

A beast that is arrogant, rational and has a sense of distance from people, when it encounters someone who wants to covet its treasure, it will be like this, and it will lose its reason in an instant.

Become a madman.

Outright lunatic.

No emotion is spoken.

His eyes fell, his eyes were black and did not move for a long time.

Until the beautiful man sitting beside him stood up and stood in front of him.

"Adel Khan?"

Her bright and eye-catching skirt blocked his sight, her fingers were white, and the fragrance of flowers was strong.

Grabbing him lightly, he whispered softly.


She called him several times just now, but he didn't answer her.

I kept looking outside, not knowing what I was thinking.

She grabbed his hand and shook it slightly.

Outsiders looked at her and thought that he had been pampering her and obeying her in everything.

In fact, only the two of them knew in private, and she was the one who was always coaxing him.

Coax a man who is becoming more and more childish.

She looked down at him, hooking his fingers.

He didn't speak.

It was just that he suddenly grabbed her with great strength.

Pulling her into his arms, he sat on his lap unexpectedly.

The skirt and jacket swayed, and there was a cry of surprise.

It hit his chest hard, like an iron plate.

The familiar confinement circled her waist again.

Some strong.


She rubbed her face and moved a little.

I want to adjust the position.

The maid next to her lowered her head and stepped back quietly.

Give them a private and intimate space.

The squeamish and beautiful princess, before she had time to hum or dissatisfy, her chin was raised.

He met his dark and cold eyes.

It is colder than the water in the [-]-foot deep pool, and it is dangerous and terrifying.

Like a beast about to explode.

Her Royal Highness, the soft and bright princess, sat on his lap and was forced to look up at him.

He pursed his lips slightly.

Others couldn't figure out his emotions, but he never concealed it in front of her.

Anger, jealousy, and intense possessiveness.

He was overly domineering towards her and had a crazy sense of sovereignty.

She is his, this fact has been recognized by him.

Absolutely cannot change.

"Adel Khan..."

"you like him?"

The hand he put on her waist almost took a lot of strength to restrain it.

Barely restrained.

His tone was terrible.

She was stunned.

Then, with a frown, she patted him.

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

She was never afraid of him, even though he looked a little frighteningly gloomy.

Hug him, cuddle, coax him gently.

"Don't think about it, I only love you."

(End of this chapter)

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