Chapter 2382 Rejection (10)

Facing his anger, he looked straight into his bloodshot eyes that were faintly bleeding from nausea and mania.

No joy, no anger, no waves, no traces, always calm.

It was as if he was watching a child who was angry for no reason.

Eye level, quiet.

It's like wearing a thick layer of skin.

Under the ordinary old-fashioned and overly disgusting skin, I don't know what he is thinking.

I don't know what he cares about.

His fist was about to be swung down, but he didn't seem to want to resist.

She just looked at him indifferently, without any reaction.

As if waiting for his fist to drop.


Lou Lingxiao's eyes were bloodshot, and his fair and delicate face even twisted for a moment.

The root of the tooth is almost crushed.

Click click.

You can, but you can't.

He is his agent, and he is responsible for all announcements.

If he has a wound on his face...

It will cause people to talk about it, and it will also damage the image he has built up with great difficulty.

He let go, and pushed it away.

"Go and find out who Yun Si is!"

He just couldn't swallow it.

He just couldn't be reconciled that such a beautiful woman didn't even give him half a glance.

Why does she look down on him?

Lou Lingxiao kicked down the potted plant next to him in a venting manner.

The potted plants clanged and cracked.

The plants being cultivated inside fell to the ground, and the soil splashed.

It's even more messy.

It smells of vomit, and of earth.

The silent hall, the sound is amazing.

Fragments of expensive vases fell all over the floor.

Mr. Broker, whose collar was wrinkled from being scratched, stood to one side with his expression unchanged.

Old-fashioned, dull, no mood.

Facing his anger, he didn't say anything.

Just a bland yes.

Like an antique robot.

The more you look at it, the more it makes you angry, and you want to tear his skin off.

Lou Lingxiao slammed his fist against the wall.

Very heavy, very heavy.




After returning to the suite, the first thing Yun Si did was to add friends.

Enter the phone number you just got and search.

Then, his friend addition interface appeared.

It's so simple.

Even the nickname is her real name - Shen Zhi.

The profile picture is black, with no pattern, pure black.

The circle of friends is empty, and no one has been posted.

The profile is too simple.

It's clear at a glance.

Like a false name.

Yun Si thought for a while, and thought of his manager's identity.

Maybe it's because I want to bring artists, and I can't disclose the itinerary and privacy, so I don't post anything.

Afraid of being picked up by fans.

As for the artists he brings...

what do you say that is?

She put down the invitation card casually, took her mobile phone, and entered the bedroom.

Roll into bed, remembering.

I don't remember, maybe the surname is Lou?
Very unique last name.

Just now, she didn't pay attention to remembering, and was looking at him patronizingly.

In this world, he looks like...

Like a feudal old wooden flute.

It's unremarkable, and it doesn't look fierce.

Should be nice to bully.

She had had enough of being oppressed by Adair Khan's big bear in her previous life.

this life……

After clicking on the application to add a friend, the phone was thrown aside, and she lay on her back with her legs crossed.

There is no image, a casual beauty.

As if thinking of something happy, she narrowed her eyes slightly, and her red lips curled up.

All in pure white, he really looks like a white fox.

A beautiful and charming big white fox.

If there was a tail behind him at this moment, maybe it would be shaking slowly and sweeping the air.

Very comfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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