Chapter 2384 Rejection (12)

It was still raining outside, and he slowly closed the computer.

Tap lightly with your fingers, neither slow nor fast.

As if thinking about something.

After a while, the screen of his mobile phone lit up.

She returned to him.

Several hours passed.

The profile picture is an anime cartoon, a sweet little girl with braids Biye.

Cute and lively, exceptionally smart.

Like herself, but not like her.

In reality, she is more attractive and prettier.

The tone is also soft and friendly to him.

"Hello, Shen Zhi."

The voice she sent to him was automatically converted into text on the phone.

His gaze shifted from the computer screen to the mobile phone, and quietly fell, looking at the few friends column.

Only a few people, including her.

The only eye-catching color, the anime avatar of a soft and cute girl.

Too obtrusive, compared to his clean chat bar.

She sent one, and after more than ten seconds, she sent another one.

It is also automatically converted to text.

"Sorry, I just fell asleep. Have you eaten? Are you still working? Are you busy?"

When we met Mingming, she was a lazy and bright young lady, cunning and a little careless.

When he took the initiative, he was like a stupid cat, simply leaning over to show his friendliness.

She is not like the arrogant young lady from a wealthy family, she is too stupid.

I don't know how to hide my identity.

do not know……

She will be easily used by others like this.

With her, climb up.

Mr. Shen, who has always been good at analyzing interpersonal relationships, kept his dark and calm gaze lingering for a long time.

Never moved.

Under the overly thick lenses, those bland eyes looked like robots.

No emotion, no emotional display.

The blue light emitted by the computer was reflected in the depths of his black pupils, faintly blue.

Like an unscrupulous vicious snake.

You will want to climb up, you will want to become a master.

Even, there will be endless ambitions.

For the first time, a plump prey is delivered to the door, and there is no scheming...

If you dig a trap slowly and lure her to jump in...

She sent another message.

"I'm not a fan, Mr. Shen."

Typed by hand, text sent.

"I won't ask you about the artist's privacy, I promise."

As if afraid that he might misunderstand.

Schoolboy-style emphasis.

Shen Zhi picked up the phone.

At this time, he should follow her words.

To make her happy and want to climb up is a matter of easy words.

He looked at the dialog box quietly for a long time, and then...





Beauty Yunda, who was eating supper, received a document.

It was raining less outside, and the restaurant was brightly lit.

She was wearing pajamas and pajama bottoms, her hair tied up casually.

While eating delicious beef noodles, while looking at the phone.

Click on the file.

content display.

She tilted her head and blinked.

This is……

His employment information?

Currently in the third team of the Tianle Entertainment Company Affairs Department, with two artists.

One is a man, who seems to be the one I met today, named Lou Lingxiao;
One is a woman, I don't know her name is Jiang Yao.

The documents showed many things, including his details and performance in the company.

Yun Si swipe the screen to see from beginning to end.

A little dazed.


What are you sending her this for?
Could it be a mistake?

Just as she was thinking, the next second, he sent her a message.

A short sentence.

(End of this chapter)

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