Chapter 2388 Rejection (16)

Lou Lingxiao signed the contract and is 22 years old this year.

I can't count how many people I have slept with.

Shen Zhi's plan for him is very clear, follow the route of traffic actor.

Don't be in a hurry to appear on variety shows, first get familiar with the major hit dramas.

Slowly accumulate popularity, wait for a suitable drama, increase the hype, and reach the top in one fell swoop.

With Lou Lingxiao under his command, the relationship is neither good nor bad.

He doesn't like him, but he also knows that Shen Zhi actually brought him back a lot of resources.

These resources are good enough, enough to make people jealous.

If he had changed his agent, I'm afraid his development would not be so smooth.

It's competent, but the process is disgusting.

Therefore, even though he hated sleeping with him, he still had to give in.

Submit to those disgusting directors and investors, and be an unworthy plaything.

The same is true for Jiang Yao.

I often sleep with you and exchange your body for resources.

In the hands of a shrewd businessman, it's just a little disgusting, as long as it can climb higher, it's nothing.




After learning about Shen Zhi's past, it was already late at night.

As Shen Zhi's immediate superior, Chen Jue revealed a lot.

Literally, I am very satisfied with him.

Although its appearance is not good, its ability is not bad.

It can also be regarded as bringing a lot of benefits to the company.

Hang up the phone, it is already 11:30 in the evening.

The rain stopped outside.

After three consecutive days and three nights of heavy rain, it finally stopped.

It was dark outside, but the suite was still bright, quiet and peaceful.

Yun Si went to take a bath.

After taking a shower, she didn't do anything, and reopened the file Shen Zhi sent her.

Read it again, carefully.

Phone number, contact information, home address...

With a salary of 1000 yuan a month, the place where I live is naturally old and small, and I can't even look at it.

No wonder, when I saw him today, his clothes were so old-fashioned.

Dressed like an old man, without much vigor.

Ordinary, like an inconspicuous dust on the road.

It's hard to get people's attention, and it's hard to get people to remember.

It must have been miserable.

Yun Si looked back and forth many times, and recalled the scene when she met him.

Click on the chat dialog box with him, it is still quiet, he will not take the initiative to send her a message.

Too polite, probably because he didn't want to get too involved with her.

I just want to send him a message...

She is holding the mobile phone and typing.

I typed a lot of words back and forth, but felt that it was not appropriate, so I deleted each word.

Back and forth.

Finally, she looked outside at the dark sky.

Sighing, put down the phone.

Hugging his knees, he nestled in the corner of the soft sofa.

Nothing was posted.

I don't know what to post, and I don't want to disturb his rest.

It's so late, he should...

Already rested?

She crouched, lying on one side.

Looking out the window, in a daze.




When Lou Lingxiao came out of the director's room, he vomited again.

The violent vomiting made him almost unable to stand up, his face was pale, and his body was covered in cold sweat.

Almost collapsed.

Because it was so disgusting, he had gradually developed an unspeakable mental illness.

Every time I do this kind of thing, I will vomit crazily, and I can't wait to spit out all my internal organs.

Back in his hotel room, he vomited while hugging the toilet.

The smell of the body is mixed with human greed and vulgarity.

Turned on the shower, but couldn't wash it off.

Dirty to the bone marrow, polluting the whole soul.

(End of this chapter)

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