Chapter 2398 Rejection (26)

Her body was soft, warm and soft, against him.

He put his hands on his sides, as if he was a little annoyed.

Even more beautiful and vivid.

The clean and clear eyes stared at him with annoyance.

It seemed that as long as he said no, she would bite him in the next second.

"..." Shen Zhi's hand was on the side, slightly opened.

The moment she was pressed against the wall, her hand fell on her waist, and she subconsciously wanted to push it away.

But after touching that waist, he suddenly withdrew his hand.

It's like it's hot, so I dare not touch it.

There was a long silence.

Slightly trembling fingers, the temperature seems to be rising.

Did not look at her.

The distance was too close, and he lowered his eyes, looking to the other side.

She was still calm and steady, but her breathing became a little faster and less steady.

Faintly, not easy to be noticed.

"...Okay, can... can you let go first?"

His sweet and gentle voice became a little lower.

Deliberately lowered, the throat rolled slightly, and the tone was extremely light.

Kind of begging her.

Take an attitude from below to above.

She looked at him, examining.

As if afraid that he was lying to her.



He turned his face away, as if he didn't dare to touch her.

Even through the fabric of the clothes, if you want to push, you still touch it with the back of your hand and apply light force.

Excessive gentleman, conservative.

It's like walking out of the old society.

Antique, dull and serious.

She stared at him, pursing her lips slightly.

Finally found his weakness and knew how to handle him.

The mood suddenly improved.

With great kindness, he took a step back and distanced himself.

The wounded hand stretched out in front of him.

"Hey, apply the medicine."

"..." He leaned against the wall and lowered his eyes.




Say what you say, and do what you say.

It's a pity that Old Antique is extremely conservative even in applying medicine.

Without even touching her, I dipped a cotton swab in the potion and applied it lightly.

If he accidentally touches it, he will apologize.

It seemed that every touch of her hand was an offense to her.

Yun Si sat cross-legged on the sofa, looking at him without blinking.

Always feel novel.

After all, a modern person can still be so conservative...

It was truly unprecedented.

Moreover, this clearly does not match his work style.

How could a manager who regards unspoken rules as a routine operation and has been in the entertainment industry for several years be so...


...Could it be that he has misophobia?
She stared at him, and tentatively touched his face with her other uninjured hand.

His movement of holding the swab stopped suddenly.

The pitch-black eyes were slightly raised, and the eyelashes were light.

"..." She blinked and coughed lightly.

Withdrawing his hand, his expression was natural.

"There was a mosquito just now, I chased it away."

Bad lie.

In autumn, where are the mosquitoes?
He looked at her quietly for two seconds and said nothing.

Lowering his eyes, he collected the cotton swab.

"Try not to touch water for an hour, and it's best to reapply at night."

The potion was returned to the medicine cabinet, which he closed and stood up.

The voice is still nice, soft and gentle, but not feminine.

It just makes people want to be close.

She looked up at him, her beautiful eyes were black and white, detailed and bright.

He stood up, and she reached for him again.

Grabbing his hand, holding it a little tight.

Afraid that he would run away again.

"Then can you come and help me apply the medicine at night?"

She shook her head, as if she was being coquettish.

Looking straight at him.

His hands trembled, and he lowered his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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