Chapter 2406 Rejection (34)

Obviously, they have known each other for so many years, and they can be regarded as growing up together since childhood.

Suddenly speaking like this...

Lou Mengzhu didn't know if it was because she was too sensitive.

There was a sudden silence, and it was quiet for a while.

"If it's okay, I'll hang up first, I'm busy."

The phone hangs up without pause.

"Hey—Brother Shen Zhi—"

After finally getting through, the result was hung up again.

Lou Mengzhu was anxious and angry.

Immediately called again, but he didn't answer.

I don't know if I'm really busy.

"Brother Shen Zhi must be angry with me and brother!"

"What should I do……"

She anxiously looked at Zhang Ma who was cleaning aside.

"Mum Zhang, do you think brother Shen Zhi is very angry? It's all my brother's fault! Brother Shen Zhi doesn't want to talk to me anymore!"

"..." Mama Zhang was wearing gloves and wiping the table, hearing this, she hesitated to speak.

"Actually...Miss Mengzhu, Mr. Shen usually talks like this,"

It's just that she didn't realize it before, Shen Zhi has always been like this.

Nothing else.

Lou Mengzhu didn't seem to listen.

"How is it possible...Brother Shen Zhi doesn't usually talk like this."

Obviously, he was very good to her in normal times.

"How to do how to do……"

She was anxious all day and became extra sensitive.

I want to do something to make up for my brother's mistakes.

"By the way, have you bought movie tickets?"

She suddenly thought of this and gripped the phone tightly.

Mama Zhang moved her mouth, "I bought it, but..." Mr. Shen might not—

"Then I want to invite Brother Shen to watch a movie and apologize to him in person."

Full of confidence, the plan was set immediately.

Don't ask in advance.

"...Miss Mengzhu, why don't you ask Mr. Shen first? In case Mr. Shen doesn't have time..."

"No, Brother Shen always rests normally on weekends, why don't you have time?"

Although she worked overtime and was busy before, but this time she had inquired with her assistant in advance, and her brother didn't inform her, so Shen Zhige must not be at work.

"That's it, send me the ticket."

"..." Zhang Ma sighed in her heart, shook her head, and stopped talking.

It's not easy for her to persuade her about the master's affairs.

Miss is still good-hearted, it's just about liking people...

Still have to suffer.

Otherwise, how can you always fail to understand other people's attitudes?
"Got it, miss."




Six pm.

The weather was fine, and the sun outside had mostly disappeared.

There is still a faint corner in the distance, perseveringly maintaining the last ray of light.

As night falls, the shadow of the moon hangs high.

The hustle and bustle of the city is outside, and there is a lot of traffic in the market.

The gorgeous neon lights lit up, overshadowing the last glow in the sky.

Colorful and dazzling.

I don't know how long I slept, but when Yun Si woke up from her afternoon nap, it was already dark outside.

The curtains were half open, and the light from outside shone in, silently, illuminating the huge room.

She sat up from the bed, looked out the window, and squinted her eyes.

After sleeping for too long, my mind is still a little groggy, and I can't wake up.

After being in a daze for a while, she slowly turned on the bedside lamp, lifted the quilt, and got out of bed.

Beside the bed, her slippers were neatly arranged.

Like being touched by someone.

She stopped putting on her shoes suddenly, and she noticed something unusual.

There is a water glass next to the bed, and the folded clothes are put aside.

The air conditioner that blows cold air was turned off, and the door was ajar.

Outside the door, there is still light.

Someone is outside.

(End of this chapter)

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