Chapter 2414 Rejection (42)

He let go of her hand and began to caress her face, very gently.

As if treating some precious porcelain doll, extremely careful.

"You don't want either... I'll do something tonight, shall I?"

He smiled, but it was extremely gentle and permeable.

Looking at her, the desire and longing in his eyes were clearly visible.

This seemed to be the reason why he had been avoiding her sight before.

Facing her, I want to do many things.

Many, many, bad things.

"..." She fell completely silent.

So quiet.

He stroked her face tenderly, and his smile deepened.

"So nice."

It achieved what Yunsi wanted, but for some reason, she suddenly didn't want this kind of result.

Watching him get up, touch her head, put on her clothes again, and then walk out with her clean bowl.

Didn't touch her, didn't do anything to her.

It's just that his devilish whispers seemed to be echoing in his ears.

Over and over again, it's heartbreaking.

She sat on the edge of the bed, looking at the bedroom door.

After a long silence, she suddenly realized something.

Maybe, his silence is actually——

He is giving her a chance?

Give her a chance to run?
Her eyeballs trembled as the thought flashed by.

It seemed to make sense, but soon, she denied it.

Being silent and not speaking is a bad habit that the bad man will never get rid of.

She had to get rid of his damn stinking problem.

Otherwise, she would die of aggrieved every time.

She suddenly gained confidence, stood up, and walked out.

Outside, the vase that just broke has been cleaned up, and he is cleaning up the bowl.

Obviously he was still talking obscenely about wanting to fuck her just now, like a devil.

The next second, he went to pack his things.

Silently, without saying a word.

Yun Si followed him into the kitchen.

"You like me, why don't you just confess to me?"

"If you confess your love to me directly, we will be boyfriend and girlfriend."

He simply washed the dishes and put them in the dishwasher.

After putting on the glasses again, he turned into that ordinary look again.

Old-fashioned and inconspicuous, you can't find it in the crowd.

She followed him like a tail, she had been threatened to rape her just now, but now she was not afraid again.

Follow him wherever he goes.

It is really well protected, newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, they are fearless.

"Huh? Tell me."

She tugged at him, her starry eyes were bright.


He closed the dishwasher, paused, and looked at her.

His eyes are dark.

"I never do anything I'm not sure about."

It means that before he is sure, he will not confess his love rashly.

In case she becomes wary of him first and is not close to him.

She was stunned.

"Confession, are you not sure?"

He stands up straight and washes his hands.

His eyes were lowered, his expression flat.

"Not yet."

He said temporarily, which means that the future will change.

Before he was completely sure, he didn't intend to confess.

Or, wait for her to speak first.

"..." She looked at him and hummed.

"Then why are you willing to say it just now?"

"Just now, are you sure?"

He washed his hands and dried them.

Turning around, she was facing him.

He stared at her without dodging.



He took a step forward, next to her ear, his eyes were extremely dark.

"Because, I suddenly discovered..."

"If you don't want to, I can do it as long as you want."

(End of this chapter)

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