Chapter 2418 Rejection (46)

But before it was found, it was taken back again.

Really caught it, hugged it again.

He buried her hair and stroked it gently.

After breaking the boundary, it seems that there is no need to maintain order anymore.

He kissed her lightly, rubbing his cheeks together.

She was a sound sleeper and was not awakened by his movements.

He fell asleep peacefully and didn't know anything.

Her hand was slowly held.




Crew dressing room.

After Lou Mengzhu's phone was hung up, he didn't give up and called again.

Unexpectedly, Shen Zhi's cell phone was turned off directly.

Can't get through at all.

She was sitting on the sofa, wearing high boots and a small shawl, feeling angry and aggrieved.

The phone slammed to the side.

"What the hell did you quarrel with Brother Shen!?"

She looked anxiously at Lou Lingxiao who was putting on makeup.

"Brother Shen Zhi didn't answer my call yesterday, and he won't answer it today, and the phone is turned off now!"

Fortunately, she rushed over early in the morning, but she missed it!
Lou Lingxiao closed his eyes and did not speak.

It seems that I don't want to mention it at all.

Lou Mengzhu turned to his assistant.

"Xiao Li, tell me, what is the reason? Zhige Shen is obviously not someone who gets angry easily! What happened yesterday?"

"..." The innocent assistant at the side had a troubled expression on his face.

"Sister Mengzhu, I don't know anything..."

"They started arguing suddenly while they were on the phone, and I don't know why they were arguing..."

He didn't know about this kind of thing, and it was even more impossible for Lou Lingxiao to say it.

Lou Mengzhu stood up angrily.

"Brother, are you going to tell me?"

She has no scruples about her temper, and she is afraid that it will be endless.

Seeing that something was wrong, the assistant hurriedly arranged for the makeup artist to go out.

Cleverly left the space for the two brothers and sisters.

"elder brother!!!"

"Have you had enough trouble?"

Lou Lingxiao now has a severe headache and doesn't want to say a word.

Unfortunately, she didn't have the eyesight to see.

Her heart and eyes are full of her elder brother Shen Zhi. She regards him as a treasure, but has she ever thought that they treat her as a grass?
He kept pressing his temples, pressing his swollen and aching nerves.

"Stop putting your mind on Shen Zhi, okay? Brother Suan, please?"

"You don't even know what he's like, you know he's just—"

The word Baiyanlang was about to blurt out, but he still didn't say it because he was worried about something.

Just weak.

"As soon as our contract expires, he will leave immediately, and you won't be able to find him when you try to find him."

Lou Mengzhu was taken aback, "What?"

She knew about the five-year agreement between him and Shen Zhi.

However, she always thought that it was just a verbal agreement, and Shen knew that there was no reason for him to leave when he was successful.

"Why? Where is brother Shen Zhi going? Is he going to abandon us? But he clearly promised grandma that he would take good care of us!"


Lou Lingxiao has a terrible headache now.

His head hurt even more when he heard her voice.

The pain was excruciatingly annoying.

"Be quiet, can you go back first?"

"I'm working now. I'm not as free as you. If you have any questions, ask him yourself, okay!?"

The voice became louder and louder, and became impatient in the end.

"Don't come to the film crew again in the future, if you want to find Shen Zhi, go to the company!"

She was yelling and yelling all day long, because she was too free, which made her so free to immerse herself in fairy tale love stories.

If it weren't for the fact that she was his own sister, he really wanted to—

(End of this chapter)

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