Chapter 2616 Companion (30)

Sensing a lot of gazes, Yun Si was thinking about whether to let go of her hand.

To avoid suspicion.

After all, there are too many people.

If it is recognized by someone with a heart...

Her hand gradually loosened, wanting to take it back.

It turned out to be considerate and wanted to consider for him.

Unexpectedly, Huo Yuangong, who has always been incomprehensible, suddenly embraced her——

The palm fell on her waist, and she was caught off guard and brought into his arms.

In the standard hugging posture, his mighty and tall body blocked her, like a powerful protective shield, blocking the sight of those men.

It seems to be protecting, but it also seems to be declaring sovereignty.

In such a place where fish and dragons are mixed together, beautiful and weak women are easily targeted as prey.

Huo Yuangong's dark eyes coldly swept those men around, carrying the majesty and oppression of a superior.

He has a dignified official air, and the cruel feeling of being on the battlefield.

Like a sharp blade that cuts iron like mud, when the gaze swept over, the cold air seeped out from the soles of the feet and spread upwards.

The neck is chilly and gloomy.

There is no weapon in hand, but it can still make people fearful.

Standing like a mighty and ferocious male tiger among a group of hyenas.

The vicious tiger has gloomy eyes, an astonishing body shape, fangs that are as long as blades, and limbs that are as thick as big trees. The scars on the front palms show its extraordinary achievements.

You don't need to do anything, you can easily drive them back, and you don't dare to look any more.

Scattered disheveledly, no longer coveting the white, tender and beautiful kitten under the tiger's arms.

After all, they are all human beings, and they know that they can't cause trouble when they go out.

In addition, this man seems to be from the background of a powerful minister, so it cannot be ruled out that he may be a high-ranking official in Kyoto.

The interesting men all looked away.

Either keep silent, or whisper in a low voice.

And the beautiful person who has been protected all the time is protected under the strong arms.

The size gap was a bit big, and she was forced to lean in his arms, knocking on his hard chest.

As if made of hard stone, her soft face wrinkled, showing dissatisfaction.

Like a kitten, it raised its furry little head and barked at the cold big tiger.

"You're killing me."

A delicate side gradually appeared in front of him.

Knock even dissatisfaction, unhappy to say it.

I didn't feel the majesty and alienation from him at all.

Say what you have, no scruples.

The seemingly cold and ruthless man hugged her and gave a low hum.

He took her out and didn't stay any longer.




Speechless all the way.

After leaving the station, Yunsi found that a certain piece of wood seemed to be in a bad mood.

Although she didn't say anything, she took the initiative to apologize because she complained just now.

But along the way, he said surprisingly little.

Obviously, she is reticent enough on weekdays, she answers every question she asks, and rarely takes the initiative.

But now, the answer is hardly more than three words.

Either it's um, or it's good.

She wanted to talk to him, but could only feel his long silence.

Quietly, I don't know what I'm thinking.

The arms around her waist were sometimes relaxed and sometimes tightened.

Gradually, he got closer to her.

The space between the arms, unknowingly, quietly became smaller, without her noticing.

He didn't seem to be angry with her, nor did he vent his anger on her.

It's just pure emotional distress, and I need to calm down for a while.

Yun Si turned her head to look at him from time to time, but hesitated to speak.

(End of this chapter)

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