Chapter 2635 Companion (50)

"When I leave and it reappears, you just need to take out this flower."

"Next, you don't need to worry about it."

Watch her take over the lair of those scourges in one pot.

Su Lanyu looked at her suspiciously, "You have activated the system, what should I do?"

"I want to go back, is it possible that I want to stay here forever?"

Yun Si put the flowers in her hands, unhurriedly, "Without the scourge of making trouble, you will naturally be sent back to the original world."

"At that time, there will be a special person to pick you up. You are a different soul from another world, and it is impossible to stay here for a long time."

"As for your rebirth..."

"If your original body is still alive, you will be able to wake up naturally after you go back."

"But if you lose your body, then you can only go back to Yan Luo and wait for reincarnation."

"I say so, do you understand?"

Su Lanyu stared at her closely, "Who the hell are you? God?"

Yun Si laughed, "I can't bear the title of God, I'm just an ordinary person."

Su Lanyu looked at the flower in his hand: "An ordinary person...can I really trust you?"

Let her betray the system that has fought side by side in 99 worlds, and only trust a woman who has only met twice...

It's really difficult.

Yun Si was not in a hurry, "Believe it or not is up to you, I won't force it."

"Hostile or cooperative, it's up to you."

"After tonight, I won't come again, see you later, just treat me as a stranger."

She brought up what should be mentioned.

The rest is up to her.

She has a clear conscience.

"Is there any problem? It's getting late, I should go back."

The sleeping spell she cast was not strong, for fear that he would wake up early.

Seeing that she was about to leave, Su Lanyu immediately grabbed her, "One last question."

She looked over.

Su Lanyu hesitated, "Huo Yuangong, do you have a hidden identity?"

"The system says no, but I always feel he has."

"I think, he might be..." God.

She didn't say the last word, but just looked at Yun Si.

Seems to want her to answer.

Yun Si looked at her, quietly.

"Since you already have the answer in your heart, stop thinking about what to do to him."

"So, do you understand?"

It is an indirect default.

She didn't say it clearly, but she already understood.

Su Lanyu slowly let go of her, "Then you and him are..."


A trace of unnaturalness flashed across Su Lanyu's face, "Then I just said that I want to sleep with him..."

In front of his wife, he said that he was going to sleep with his husband.

Isn't this the behavior of the mistress?

Yun Si smiled slightly, "Look at you."

"If you want to continue, I will stop you."

Su Lanyu didn't speak, but looked at her face.

She didn't mean to say anything more, she gave her a slight salute, and then turned around.

There is no anger from embarrassment, and there is no stinky plot where the original partner hits the mistress.

She came to dissuade him very calmly, and left very calmly.

The door closed, and her figure quickly disappeared into the night.

Su Lanyu stood where she was, looking at the flowers in her hands, feeling a little lost.

"Huo Yuangong is a god, and she is his wife, so she is also—"

The flowers in her hands are so fresh and delicate even when they are separated from the soil. The petals unfold gracefully, one after another.

The coquettish flower exudes a faint fragrance.

Yingying light touches in the hand, the temperature is cool and quiet.

It's too beautiful.

She watched for a long time until the sky outside the house gradually brightened and the night faded away.

(End of this chapter)

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