Chapter 2641 Companion (55)

[The host can rest assured to bring Huo Yuangong here. 】

Su Lanyu walked across the courtyard and pushed open the palace gate.

It was deserted.

Faintly, you can still smell the rotten smell of damp wood.

No one has been here for a long time, and there is dust everywhere.

There is only simple furniture, and there is no bedding on the bed.

Su Lanyu looked around and covered her mouth and nose.

"It's too dirty, how can it sleep?"

The system fell silent for a while.

【Host, this is much better than the zombie cave last time. 】

[At least, there is still a bed. 】

"..." Su Lanyu withdrew from the door, disgusted, "That won't work either, let's look for it."

"At least, it should be clean."


[Host, the key is the task, not whether it is dirty or not. 】

It couldn't help but say.

Su Lanyu waved her hand, "This is the last time, at least it should be clean."

"Look for it again, there must be some."

[Host, this opportunity is rare, please be cautious. 】

"I know, you don't need to remind me specifically."

While returning, she walked out.

Looking up at the sun, it's getting late.

Calculating the time, at this time, Huo Yuangong should have entered the palace.

There is enough time for the courtiers to meet first, and then for the envoys to visit.

in time.

She left this uninhabited palace and quickened her pace.





On the eaves of the strict and cold palace, the soft kitten with round gray eyes is lying down in the sun, yawning.

The little tail swayed slowly, coming and going.

It falls on the yellow glazed tiles, light and weightless.

The soft fur seems to have been dyed a warm color by the sun.

Golden, elegant and beautiful.

Like a delicate lady from an aristocratic family.

There are many people under the eaves, and the emperor is not there, and the courtiers gather here.

The maids and eunuchs came and went without stopping for a moment.

Very lively.

The kitten on the eaves was so noisy that it looked down from time to time, following the figure it cared about.

With such a deserted figure, when she is not around, he has such a haunted appearance.

Sitting coldly in a corner, drinking.

There were no women around, not even a maid of honor.

Don't socialize with other courtiers, and don't deal with female relatives.

Sitting alone in the corner, waiting for the emperor.

Alienated and indifferent, making it difficult for people to get close.

The kitten watched, and several senior officials came forward to chat, but they all left after a while.

Shaking his head, he looked resentful looking for no benefit.

On the contrary, a young female family member walked over boldly.


Wood is always wood.

If you don't understand, you don't respond.

After a while, the female relatives also left.

With boredom and embarrassment on his face.

The kitten yawned and looked lazily from the eaves.

Looking at the straight and deserted figure, the wagging tail is full of joy.

Appreciate the joy of wood's unresponsiveness.

It watched quietly for a while.

But soon, in the corner, the man with terrifyingly sharp perception seemed to have noticed something, and looked up.

The kitten retracted its head immediately.

Even the tail drooped down, so peaceful, even breathing lightly.

Even though he knew that he had changed his appearance, his aura was completely hidden.

But subconsciously, she gets nervous.

Afraid he would recognize her.

After all, he is too sensitive, even a little casual movement can make him think of something.

So, it shrank to hide its own figure, not daring to move.

Afraid of being seen by him.

(End of this chapter)

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