Chapter 2654 Bandits (1)


Yun Si woke up in a burst of pain.

Severe pain, as if someone smashed into her skull with a blunt instrument, and it felt like her bones were about to be smashed into pieces.

As she gradually regained consciousness, she raised her hand, trying to hug her head that was throbbing with headache.

I don't want to, she seems to be tied up by something at the moment, her body is tied up, and she can't lift her hands.

She could only let the pain in her head keep coming, pressing down on her consciousness, ups and downs.

She lowered her head and slowly opened her hazy eyes.

The head was heavy, as if it was being weighed down by a jack.

Painful, dizzy, nauseous, nauseous, what appears to be a concussion.

Still a more serious level.

She lowered her head and slowly shook her head.

Even more dizzy and nauseated.

It was pitch black all around, and there was the sound of pitiful sobbing.

She didn't have the strength to pay attention to her surroundings, so she just closed her eyes again, used her demon power, and repaired her body.

Let your body recover quickly.

After a while.

Her pale face gradually turned a little bloody.

I can barely see it, and it no longer looks like a dead person without a sound.

Surrounded by constant crying, she slowly opened her eyes again, trembling her eyelashes.

Raising his head, the dark surroundings came into view.

Relying on her good night vision ability, she slowed down and looked around quietly.

Dirty place with straw all over the floor.

It seems to be a utility room, but there is nothing in it, only a few piles of dry straw.

There are pillars in the house, and several large pillars stand up, supporting the eaves.

At this moment, she was tied under a pillar, and the coarse hemp rope bound her mercilessly, as did her feet.

The binding is too tight, the blood flow is blocked at this moment, it is numb and painful, and it is uncomfortable and tight.

She was like that, and so were the other girls.

Besides her, four or five other girls were also tied to the pillars, crying softly.

The crying continued.

The ropes on his body were tightly bound, and one of them still had slap marks on his face.

It was red, and her face was swollen from the beating.

Yun Si looked at them quietly, and then looked outside.

Outside the closed room, there was a lively celebration sound.

Through the crack of the door, you can see the flames burning outside.

There were applause, drinking, and bare-armed fighting.

Rough and bold.

Appears to be bandits.

A group of bandits who have no laws and dominate one side.

Yun Si closed her eyes again, sorting out her memory.

While tidying up, retract the legs and untie the rope.

The hemp rope, as thick as a wrist, broke in her hand when she pulled it.

She untied it neatly and threw the rope aside.

The dress on her body was dirty, and she had no time to take care of it, and continued to untie the rope behind her.

Right now, "Bang——"

With a sudden sound, the closed door was kicked open.

A drunken man stood at the door, reeking of alcohol.

"Girl...beautiful girl..."

He was so drunk that he could hardly stand up, and kept talking about finding a girl.

The figure staggered in, shaking from side to side.

Inside the house, the crying of the tied girls stopped instantly.

One by one, they were trembling, not daring to make a sound.

Not daring to look at that man, they all lowered their heads, their bodies shaking like a sieve.

"Girl...where is the girl!?!"

The room was very dark, and there was no light on. The drunk man rushed to nothing and fell to the ground.

Outside the door, someone came soon.

Many people came, holding torches.

(End of this chapter)

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