Chapter 2658 Bandits (5)

The pocketknife is sharp, maybe one can be stolen and used as a weapon.

She stared at it for a while, then slowly raised her hand.

Just about to make a move, suddenly——

It seems that something has been triggered.

I saw a needle that was so thin that the naked eye couldn't distinguish it shot out from the wall, the movement was so fast, it was only at that [-] second.

Her keen perception made it too late for her to think about it, she turned to one side and avoided it neatly.

In the next second, her neck was held against by the knife, just right.

Her body froze.




A cold knife is ground with the hardest whetstone.

The blade is cold to the bone, like ten thousand years of ice, and the chill seeps into it.

The sharp edge of the knife pressed against her skin, glowing with a cold light, as long as a little force like this...

It can break her easily.

The temperature in the room is suitable, just like being in spring.

But under the knife, the body feels even colder.

It's colder than the wind outside, it's chilly, it penetrates the skin and penetrates into the blood vessels.

The chill runs through my body.

Yun Si stood in front of the table and felt that the people behind her were pointing at her with knives.

Like a poisonous snake oozing with poison, the cold hand strangled her neck mercilessly.

The tip of the knife was just in the direction of her aorta, as if as long as she moved like this, the dagger would be inserted hard.

Pierce her skin, cut her veins, and let her die.

Yun Si's movements stopped on the spot, and she opened her hanging hands slightly to keep herself calm.

I wanted to turn back, but felt the strength on my neck tightened a bit.

Behind him, the voice of the visitor was rustling, with indifference and coolness.

"I don't know if you can't enter here? Are you courting death?"

"..." She was forced to raise her head, revealing her fragile, slender and pale neck.

Like an ignorant and weak beautiful prey, she stumbled and fell into a dangerous trap.

He was caught, even strangled.

You can't even struggle, and your life may be in danger at any time.

She collected herself and slowly raised her hand, trying to show her harmless side.

He opened his lips and lowered his voice, "Sorry, I didn't mean to, I didn't know you couldn't enter here."

"My lord, your lord has a lot, let me go once, and I will leave now—"

Before he could finish speaking, there was a knock on the door.

Outside the door, the light of the torch flickered, and the sound of a man's rough mine came.

"Third brother, are you there? A woman was lost in the stockade, did she come to your side?"

In theory it won't come.

There are many traps in his house, and it is not easy to enter.

But in order to have an explanation when they go back, they can only ask a routine question.

"..." Yun Si could feel that the eyes of the people behind her finally left her and landed on the door.

Just that momentary opportunity.

She twisted his hand back in an instant, and pressed him against the beam with lightning speed.

With a bump on his ankle joint, the sharp dagger fell to the ground.

"Tanglang—" the sound was especially crisp and loud against the eerily quiet surroundings.

It was as if the sound had been amplified several times, shaking the ground.

Outside the house, a man holding a torch poked his head, "Third brother?"

Inside the house, the man called the third elder brother was pressed against the beams and pillars.

His hands were held behind his back and fixed, and the person behind him approached and looked at him.

"Tell them no, and I'll let you go."

Feng Shui turns.

The weak prey that was still showing weakness under the dangerous knife edge has now become the dominant player.

Pressing him down like a bully, his voice was lowered, deliberately fierce.

"If you don't tell me, I'll kill you."

(End of this chapter)

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