Chapter 2675 Bandits (22)

Yun Si blinked.

She is the master who eats the soft but not the hard, and she doesn't seem to have the need to refuse him like this.

After all, it will be more comfortable and spacious to eat in his place.

She had no reason to make herself uncomfortable.

"You ask."

She sat in his chair, staring at the food box in his hand.

He put out a small plate of dishes, and the rice was served in front of her.

She took it and picked up the chopsticks directly.

Jiang Ning didn't speak, just stared at her like that.

Very calm.

She was really hungry, and she ate in a hurry, and she didn't care what she was eating.

It's the person in his dream that he loves, not her, and she doesn't bother to maintain her image.

"what do you wish to ask?"

Her cheeks were bulging, and her words were a little unclear.

The bright and moving eyes are black and bright, with sharp and agile arcs.

Raising crow-feather eyelashes, she looked at him.

For almost an instant, her face overlapped with the memories left in the dream.

Flickering, fleeting.

Jiang Ning looked at her calmly.

"You are here alone, where is your family?"

At first, he thought he was going to ask her again if she recognized the woman on the wall painting, but now the topic changed too quickly, and he actually asked this.

She was startled, "Family..."

"My father was an official in Louyang County, and my mother passed away when I was born. There is an older brother in the family, but he went to war a few years ago and never came back."

"But what are you asking this for?"

Jiang Ning said lightly: "Your home is in Louyang County, why did you come here?"

"...Here? Where is this place?"

"It's more than 300 kilometers away from Louyang County. How did you come here alone?"


She looked dazed.

As if he didn't know anything.

Jiang Ning said: "Another day, I will take you back."

She looked at him, hesitantly, "The other day is...?"

"Wait until the day you finish painting your eyes."

"...But haven't you seen her face clearly—" she blurted out.

"See what?"

His treacherous eyes were deep, staring at her.

Her words came to her lips, her voice froze, almost revealing her secrets.

"See clearly..."

When she was holding back and was about to run out, she reacted quickly, "See clearly...drawing, of course you have to see clearly."

" cherish your wife so much, if you accidentally draw a wrong picture, then...that's...naturally not good."

She was so nervous that her tongue almost got stuck.

Jiang Ning looked at her calmly, "Really?"

She forced a smile, a little elusive about his thoughts, "Really."

Last night, he clearly saw her face clearly.

He also held her face and kept kissing, kissing and licking.

You can see it clearly, why——

Did you forget everything when you woke up?
She was full of doubts.

I want to ask, but I don't know how to ask.

Bowing his head to eat, he could feel his gaze falling on her and never looked away.

He looked at her quietly, not knowing what he was thinking.

Yun Si lowered her head and spoke slowly.

Good half sound.

" you want to start painting tomorrow?" She raised her head and asked.

Jiang Ning stared at her, "Yes."

"Tomorrow morning?"


Thoughtful, she lowered her head again.

Grilled rice.




As it turns out, tomorrow is still not a good day.

Because, it's raining.

Autumn rain either does not fall, or if it does, it will rain for many days in a row, until the whole world is drenched, and the cold air penetrates into every corner of the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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