Chapter 2681 Bandits (28)

She went upstairs, stood at the door, and put away her umbrella.

The umbrella dripping with water was placed at the foot of the door. She pushed the door lightly, first showing a crack, and observing the situation inside.

The candles inside are as bright as day, and rows of candles burn on both sides.

Quietly, no sound.

Only a faint scent of incense came, with a familiar atmosphere.

he is.

She slowly opened the door, went in, and quickly closed it again.

He took off his cloak, and walked around the pillar like a thief.

At this moment, he was standing by the window, with his hands behind his back, quietly looking out of the window.

The wind was strong outside, blowing in through the fragile wooden window, making his hands that had fallen by the window pale.

It was so white that it was almost transparent, and one could clearly see the blood vessels flowing under the thin skin.

Cyan, purple with cold.

Yun Si hugged the fur coat and wanted to put it back on the shelf.

I saw him standing by the window alone, calm and calm, his back was cold, as if his body was about to condense into snow.

She paused for a moment, looking down at her cloak.

Good half sound.

The cold man suddenly felt a heavy weight on his shoulders.

The fur jacket that carried the fragrance of her body was put on, and it was warm, with her body temperature remaining.

She tiptoed slightly, her fingers were slender and pale, "What are you looking at? Isn't it cold?"

Although it is said that she can not be nosy, or not to ask.

But he was standing like this, still being blown by the wind, she felt distressed seeing him, and couldn't help it.

I always want to care about him, although it is very possible to have a hot face and a cold ass.

Jiang Ning moved and looked back.

At this moment, the dark eyes are like a millennium ice pool, quietly hanging down, looking at her.

It seemed to be a few degrees colder than the wind blowing in from outside, and it was so dark to the bone.

She settled down, her beautiful peach eyes sparkled, "...Forget it, I won't ask, you can do whatever you want."

She was always afraid to be looked at by him like this.

Tactfully, he wanted to hide aside, but he didn't want to, he suddenly pulled her back.

His hands were very cold, a little colder than usual.

Even though she was in an extremely warm room, it was colder than the hands of someone who just came back after going out.

She was caught, and for a moment, she felt as if she was being pulled into a deep pool.

Being dragged by the gloomy water ghost, the chill was to the bone.

Her eyes trembled slightly, and she looked at him blankly.

Those moving eyes reflected his pale face.

He pulled her slightly harder.

"Didn't it tell you to come back when it rains?"

His moody tone was more like a sign before he was about to get angry.

Looking at her, the coldness in his eyes didn't melt away because of the warming up of his body.

As if angry.

Because she doesn't keep her promises.

She was startled and said, "I'm back. I'll be back when it rains."

It's just that... she walked slowly along the way, not fast.

So it may be a little late to come back, it has been raining for a while.

He stared fixedly at her, his blackened eyes made people's hair stand straight.

I don't know whether to believe her answer or not.

She looked at him, thought for a while, and explained, "The road is slippery in rainy days. You can't walk fast. If you walk fast, you will fall."

"You don't want me to wrestle and hit my eyes, do you?"

She has a gentle tone and a stable mood. She knows that he is upset, and she will patiently explain to him.

Although, such an explanation doesn't seem to work.

He took a step forward, raised his abnormally cold hand, and pinched her cheek.

She shivered from the cold.


"I'll be back when it's about to rain."

"..." She froze.

(End of this chapter)

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