Chapter 2714 The First Sight (10)

Yaoshen was so angry that he kept taking deep breaths, for fear of losing his composure in front of the young master.

He was so angry that his beard turned up, the grass on his head straightened up, and white smoke faintly rose.

It can be seen that he was very angry.

On the opposite side, the god whose emotions rarely fluctuate has a calm expression.

Putting the chess pieces back into the dowry, he picked up the teacup and took a sip slowly.

The lip color is light red and faint, under the soft and soft eyelashes, the expression in the deep eyes is unclear.


Until the God of Medicine finished enumerating the evidence of the little demon who was so angry with him, he raised his teacup and took a sip, lowering his fire.

After a pause, he continued: "My lord, that little demon is too vicious, if he continues to indulge like this, he will definitely be a disaster."

He has worked so hard this time, just hoping that the young master can order the heavenly soldiers and generals to capture that monster and punish it severely.

Let her dare not do it again.

He lifted the teapot and poured tea.

"My lord, you don't know, it's fine if there are only minor victims, but these days, not only my Temple of Medicine, but also the West Sea Dragon Palace, Kunlun Palace, Flower Temple, Qiankun Forest..."

"That little demon is really tossing around everywhere, making it difficult to live anywhere."

"My lord, if this goes on like this, I'm afraid that goblin's arrogance will become even more arrogant and unscrupulous. If the time comes, I will be bolder and ride on your head—"

"..." The peerless god raised his eyes calmly.

The deep purple eyes are as quiet as a deep pool, covered with mist, you can't see anything clearly.

An inexplicable dead silence.

The God of Medicine was slightly silent, "Sir, what do you think..."

As he said just now, he was too angry after all, and his tone was a bit rushed.

It was a little bit of a collision.

The God of Medicine put down the teapot cautiously, and cupped his hands, "I was rude just now, please forgive me, my lord."

A snow-coloured son of a god, with warm brows and flat eyes.

The gentle wind under the peach tree didn’t know when to stop, and the petals melted into the soft ground, quietly.

The light pink suits the flawless white of the god even more.

Warm white hands fell down and rested on the pure black chessboard.

It was quiet for a long time.

Then, he pursed his lips slightly.

"That monster... really has such a great ability?"

His voice was still warm and calm, making it impossible to understand what he was thinking.

Maybe it's a trade-off.

Upon hearing this, the God of Medicine quickly replied: "Yes, my lord."

"That monster came from hell, it's a flower demon, very good at using fire."

"I don't know where the fire on her body started. Any magic weapon touched will be burned up. It's very weird and difficult to deal with."

"The little one can't help it, so I can only ask you, my lord, to see if you can find a way to accept that flower demon..."

Young Master Shenming seemed to raise his eyebrows lightly, "Fire?"

"Yes, fire."

"..." The eyes of the man in snow clothes were deep and dark.


While muttering to himself, the voice was extremely soft.

"It's been so long, I didn't expect..."

That little life back then was really tenacious.

He once went back and looked at it. He thought it was gone, but he never thought...

The corners of his lips moved slightly, and he said in a deep voice, "Is it a girl?"

"Yes, my lord."

The God of Medicine was a little elusive about what he meant.

"Sir, you..."

The gods tapped their knuckles slightly, but said nothing.

For a long time.

Not knowing what she was thinking, her purple eyes raised slightly, and she quietly looked into the distance.

His complexion was as usual, deserted and flat.

"Since it's a little girl doll..."

(End of this chapter)

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