Chapter 2721 Burning Fire (4)

Keep a sense of distance from everyone, and if you don't like it, you will reject it. There may be nothing you want to pursue.

Li Ming looked at her desk without making a sound.

Carrying the bag, he quickly walked out.

Leave the office, leaving behind a bunch of gossiping teachers.

Seeing both the male and female protagonists leave the stage, they started talking, sighing.

"You said, can Teacher Li catch up with Xiaoyun?"

"I see Xuan, didn't Xiao Yun say that he doesn't think about love for the time being?"

"That's not necessarily the case, Mr. Li's conditions are so good, his family background is clean, and his personal style is also good."

"That Xiaoyun is not bad, she is so pretty, and she doesn't look like she is short of money."

"So, looking at it this way, the two of them are quite a match..."

"If this becomes..."

The director coughed, "Okay, stop gossiping."

"Whether it will be successful or not is up to others, don't talk nonsense here."

The gossip teachers have more to say.

"Come on, Director, aren't you curious too?"

"If Mr. Li and Xiaoyun are really married, we can have a wedding wine."

"..." Director said with a straight face, "I'm not like you, I'm not curious."

The other teachers laughed.

Obviously don't believe it.

In the office, it was fun.




School gate.

Many students came out with schoolbags on their backs.

There are also many cars at the gate, and the intersection is blocked.

The whistle sounded from time to time, and the traffic policemen wore uniforms, maintaining order at the intersection, and whistled one after another.

"Teacher Yun—"

Yun Si walked on the sidewalk, but was stopped again.

Li Ming chased after him, as if he couldn't understand and refused, with a smile on his face, looking at the gentleman, dressed as a standard literati.

"Let's go together, it's just right, I'm going to the garden area too."

"..." Yun Si's brows twitched, she fell silent for a while, and forced the corners of her lips to curl up.

"Ms. Li, I don't think we are very familiar with each other, so I don't want to go together."

The words of refusal are already so obvious.

Anyone who knows something and has a little emotional intelligence should be more sensible at this time and stop entangled.

Otherwise, it will only be more annoying.

Li Ming let out a cry, as if he had just understood, with a bit of embarrassment on his face.

"Sorry, Teacher Yun, I was the one to be abrupt."

"Then...then you go first, I...I'll go to the side and not disturb you."

They also consciously distanced themselves.

Walking on one side, he slowed down and walked behind.

"..." Yun Si turned to look at him, but said nothing.

Now that she is outside the school, she doesn't even have to be polite.

There is no expression, just like meeting a stranger, ignoring.

He insisted on following, but she ignored him and walked alone.

Go straight along the road in front of the school, then turn right.

Her home is in Huayuan District, not far from the school, about 15 minutes' walk away.

Li Ming followed her all the way, keeping a close distance.

Walking to the middle of the block, on the way, she suddenly stopped.

Standing on the sidewalk at the side of the road, looking across the street.

Li Ming also stopped and followed her gaze.

It turned out that a store across the street was on fire, and the fire trucks came and put out the fire.

The fire appeared to be massive but has now been doused.

Thick black smoke came out from above the shops, and the residential buildings above were also burned to the ground.

On the opposite side of the street, there were many people watching, and a large fire truck was parked on the side of the road, filling most of the road.

(End of this chapter)

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