Chapter 2730 Burning Fire (13)

After the meal, Yun Si wanted to leave.

After sending it to the door, Zhou Ruijie greeted Zhou Bingran, "Bingran, go see Xiaoyun off."

Yun Si took a look and quickly declined, "No, no, Miss Zhou won't bother you, it's in the next building, no need to send..."

Zhou Bingran took his hat and walked over, "Let's go."

"...I really don't need to..."

Zhou Bingran's hand fell on her back, "I want to go too, by the way."

Be concise and block out her refusal.

Zhou Ruijie stood at the door, smiling like an aunt, "Let's go, Xiaoyun, come back next time when you have time."

"...Okay, thank you, Miss Zhou, see you later, Miss Zhou."


Zhou Ruijie watched them all the way to the elevator.

She didn't close the door contentedly until they entered the elevator and the elevator door closed.

Back in the living room, Lin Zhenyou sat on the sofa drinking tea.

Seeing her so happy, she shook her head with a smile, "You haven't written your horoscope yet, you are too happy too early."

Zhou Ruijie sat down beside him, with a look on his face that you don't understand.

"It will definitely work this time, Bing Ran is interested in Xiao Yun."

"...That's not necessarily the case." Lin Zhenyou poured cold water on her, "Bing Ran didn't say anything, and he didn't say anything at the dinner table just now. Do you think he looks interested in Xiaoyun?"

"You don't understand that."

Zhou Ruijie knows her own brother quite well.

If it was boring, he wouldn't send a girl home alone and bring her home for dinner.

From childhood to adulthood, he would never take the initiative to those who were not interested.

If one day he suddenly takes the initiative, it means...

"Anyway, just wait and see."

"In a short time, our Zhou family may have a happy event."

Seeing her confident appearance, Lin Zhenyou smiled and shook his head.

I didn't say believe it or not, but I probably didn't believe it.

Put down the teacup and get up.






The door opened, and the people in the elevator came out.

After leaving the building, the lights were on outside the building, it was quiet and the light was soft.

Walking beside the green belt, Yun Si was about to say goodbye to Zhou Bingran.

No, he touched the back of her head and said in a low voice, "Let's go, I'll take you to the door."

The light was dim and fell on the ground, his shadow coincided with hers.

As if hugged together, her shadow was completely covered.

She blinked and looked at him with soft bright eyes.

But he didn't refuse.

The two walked along the green belt together, their pace was not fast, as if they were taking a walk, slowly.

Zhou Bingran put his hat on his head and pressed it slightly.

The exposed jaw line is clear, like a night crawler who came out of a comic, mature, cold, and abstinent.

The knotted muscles are tight, the shoulders are broad and thick, and the legs are long and straight.

You can tell he's a handsome guy just by looking at his back.

A super handsome guy who looks thin in clothes and has flesh in his clothes.

The two of them walked together perfectly, able to suppress Yun Si's glamorous complexion.

Like a big bad wolf and a little fox, inexplicably coordinated.

The figures are one tall and one short, walking side by side.

It was quiet, but the atmosphere gradually became subtle.

It's stressful.

Yun Si turned to look at him, "Just now, thank you for inviting me to dinner."

With her pretty face slightly upturned, her tone became more relaxed.

"Next time you have a chance, you are welcome to come to my house for dinner."

The man looked down at her, his light-colored eyes looked dark under the shadow.

Dark as a beast lurking in the night.



She froze for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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