Chapter 2749 Burning Fire (32)

With picture, smiling face.

The group was a little too quiet.

Compared with the blazing heat just now, it is as quiet as stagnant water now.

There was no disturbance.

After 1 minute, I don't know who started first.

"Hello, sister-in-law!"

"Hello, sister-in-law!"

"Hello, sister-in-law!"

"Sister-in-law is beautiful and kind!"

"My sister-in-law is as beautiful as a fairy!"

"Sister-in-law! Teach Team Zhou a lesson! He is stupid! He can't do anything, and we have to teach you how to chase girls!"

"Yes, yes, yes! Sister-in-law, we are all on your side!"


The chat became heated again.

This time, the screen swiped even harder.

Their enthusiasm can be felt through the screen, and their enthusiasm is like fire.

At this moment, the sound of water in the bathroom stopped.

Yun Si immediately closed the chat window and closed the computer.

He casually picked up a book from the side, opened it, and pretended nothing happened.

Half a minute later, the bathroom door opened.

Sitting in front of the desk, Yun Si could feel the breath coming from behind her.

With the refreshing scent of shower gel, he walked up behind her, his warm breath approaching.

"I ve done washing."

The voice was deep and hoarse, rustling, crisp, and the tone was vague.

Cold lips touched her cheek and kissed her.

The hair was all wet, and the cold water rubbed against her hair, making it slightly damp.

Yun Si couldn't help shrinking a bit, closed the book, and turned around.

As soon as she turned around, she met his light and gentle eyes directly.

She blinked her eyes, and her eyes fell on his tall nose bridge and lips.

The drops of water didn't dry off, sticking to his wheat-colored tough face.

He was shirtless, and his superb figure was not concealed in the slightest.

The exposed back muscles are bulging, full of strength and tension, and the smooth lines spread all the way down. The well-defined abdominal muscles are strong and tight, glowing with a sexy wet light.

Wild and dangerous.

Getting closer, the strong hormonal breath makes people blush.

His legs and feet were subconsciously weak, and he couldn't use his strength.

Yun Si's eyes trembled, and her thin, snow-white face became hot uncontrollably.

It was obvious that the room was not hot, and it was even a little cool, but he got close... it was inexplicably hot.

She coughed lightly, pretending to be calm, she didn't glance around, her eyes were a little erratic.

" put on your clothes first."

The man with a muscular body and a strong waist and abdomen, as if he couldn't see her embarrassment and shyness, moved closer, his voice low and pitiful.

"The wound hurts and I can't wear it."


He didn't have any clothes on, and she didn't dare to look at him directly.

Wei Wei avoided it, originally wanted to hide her hot face, but instead exposed her red ears.

It was so red that it was about to steam.

"No...don't you have a vest? You can also wear a vest—"

He kissed her, "Do you want to sleep together?"


Her eyes were slightly rounded, and she was about to crooked when he pulled her onto the bed and leaned her head limply.

Like a big wolf dog with no energy, it leaned on its master's shoulder, drooping its eyelids.

"I want to hug you to sleep, I miss you very much."

She immediately affirmed, "...just sleeping?"

He hugged her, his voice was a little tired, "otherwise what do you think?"

"Is it possible that you want to do other things?"

His hand fell on her waist and touched slowly.

She stopped immediately and said quickly, "No, I don't want to."

He rubbed against her, and stuffed the dry towel from his shoulder into her hand, "Will you wipe my hair? My wound hurts and I can't wipe it off."

(End of this chapter)

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