Chapter 2751 Burning Fire (34)

Yun Si watched quietly for a long time.

In his arms, he didn't move for a long time.





Yun Si is going back.

Amid the gossiping eyes of the crowd, Zhou Bingran walked to the door with her.

"Goodbye sister-in-law!"

"Goodbye sister-in-law!"

"Welcome sister-in-law to come again next time!"

They yelled, especially enthusiastically.

At the beginning, Yun Si was a little uncomfortable hearing them call it that, but now, she can no longer change her expression.

She smiled and waved to them, "Goodbye everyone~"

Zhou Bingran followed her to the door, held her hand, and said, "I'll take you back."

"Huh? No need, it's only a few minutes away. I can just walk back by myself."

She's not that delicate, and she doesn't want to bother him so much.

Zhou Bingran grabbed her hand, "Let's go, it's getting dark, I'm worried."

There were a few people following her last time, but this time he was here, so he was naturally worried that she would go back alone.

"...I really don't need to..."

The refusal was invalid, so he took her and walked to the side of the road.

The street lights were bright, and the two of them walked hand in hand, their shadows stretched far and wide.

"It's really unnecessary..."

She shook his hand.

"Well, yes."

The two held hands and never let go.

It was to take her home, but both of them walked very slowly, slowly, as if they were taking a walk.

"By the way, I will go to your school in a few days."

"Huh?" She looked up at him.

"A fire drill is to be held."

"Ah..." She understood, "Our director seems to have said it before."

"But...will you come too? I heard that this kind of fire drill usually only sends a few firefighters over, just to cooperate with the school's work, and there is no need for the captain to come, right?"

Zhou Bingran lowered his head and squeezed her hand, "If I'm not busy, I'll come."

"..." Yun Si blinked her beautiful eyes, "Really?"



Zhou Bingran paused, "Why?"

A smile flashed across Yun Si's eyes, "Why do you want to come?"

"..." Zhou Bingran looked at her without saying a word.

"You want to see me that much?"

She smiled and looked at him with extremely bright eyes, a little scorching and playful.

Zhou Bingran held her hand and stopped slowly.

After being silent for nearly half a minute, he bent slightly and approached her with deep eyes.

"Well, I want to see you, I really want to see you very much."

"If possible, I hope to see you every day, every day, from morning to night, day to night."

The smile on her face stopped slightly.

Originally, I just wanted to tease him and be naughty, but now he is suddenly so serious, answering without a hint of joking...

She looked at him with bright eyes, and slowly withdrew her smile.

After a while, she suddenly leaned over and kissed him.

"Fool, I'm kidding you."

Zhou Bingran's eyes were dark, and he held her hand slightly tightly.

"I know."

Knowing she was teasing him, but he was still very serious.

Answer seriously and let her know that he really likes her.

Chasing her is serious business, no jokes.

Yun Si touched his face, "Okay, I know you like me very much..."

"Then, have you considered it?"

"...Huh? That's not true."

She smiled, "I haven't promised you yet."

It's rare for him to chase her, so she shouldn't agree so quickly.

Zhou Bingran stared at her without making a sound.

The eyes are faint.

"Let's go, let's go home."

She pulled him, walking briskly, with a big smile on her face.

Zhou Bingran hugged her slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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