Chapter 2761 Burning Fire (44)

A certain man really didn't do anything.

But it seems... to move his feet.

She didn't know what happened to Li Ming, he didn't come today...

Yun Si looked at his empty seat, anticipating the worst.

I really have to worry about whether it is the principal's son...

She sighed slightly, almost mentally prepared.

Put down the phone, looking calm.



Yun Si got off work.

"..." Yun Si blinked.

Like newlyweds, they go home holding hands together.

When Yun Si came back from class, she happened to watch the male teacher remove the last cardboard box.

At the end, he looked at her, his thin lips slightly raised, "It's just a simple meal, nothing else."

Yun Si: "Huh?"


Without knowing the specific reason, they can only guess wildly.

But soon, a week later, a job transfer notice came down suddenly.

The other teachers in the office were all watching without making a sound.

When he came to pick her up, he had vegetables in his hands.

Li Ming is the principal's son, and with the principal in charge, logically speaking, he shouldn't be transferred so easily.

When she came out, he naturally took her hand.

Logically speaking, when such a gossip happened, the teachers who usually listened to all directions would have heard some rumors.

She hesitated slightly, "Is it a family banquet? If it's a family banquet, won't it be too bad for me to go..."


First I asked for leave for one day, and then I continued to ask for leave. The reason for asking for leave was that I was not feeling well.

Surprisingly, none of the teachers seemed to know about it, let alone discuss it.

There is no sign, and all teachers are unaware.

Zhou Bingran is here.

Yun Si returned to her seat and looked at Li Ming's empty seat.

Yun Si stopped talking and looked at Li Ming's position.

"Well, sister, brother-in-law, and... my parents."

"Would you like to have a meal with my family on the weekend?"

Yun Si walked beside him, looked at him, and was about to speak.

After the notice was issued, the director arranged for two male teachers to help tidy up Li Ming's desk without saying anything.

After the director left, we started whispering and discussing.


But he spoke first, with the usual tone, "Are you free on the weekend?"

There wasn't much work at the fire station these days, so he was free and came to pick her up every day.

in the afternoon.

However, unexpectedly, the following week was uneventful.

"Didn't you say that some leaders from above will come to our school to monitor? The principal must also be afraid of causing trouble."


The transfer notice was announced in the teachers' work group, and Li Ming was transferred to another key school.

The teacher sitting opposite her shook her head, "I don't know, I left as soon as I said, and never came."

I always feel weird in my heart, feeling...

Li Ming's place was completely empty, only a computer was left standing there alone.

"Sister Wang, Teacher Li, this is..."

Nothing happened, and no gossip went around the school.

The wind is tight.

Li Ming didn't come either.

"Well, no."

Yun Si was taken aback, "With your sister?"

"Maybe something happened?"

The teacher on the opposite side said casually.

It's good that he didn't say that, but he did, but it felt like there was no 300 taels of silver here.

He squeezed her hand, "You are not an outsider, you are my wife."

The tall and tough man, calling her wife softly, really...


"..." She was embarrassed and looked around, "I'm not your wife, not yet."

(End of this chapter)

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