Chapter 2766 Burning Fire (49)

Yun Si was stunned for a moment, then stood up again, "Hello, Teacher Wang."

Zhou Ruijie introduced Zhou's father again: "Old Mr. Zhou, the newly retired Comrade Director, was also a teacher before, teaching history."

"... Hello, Mr. Zhou."

Feelings This week's family is an educational family, except for Zhou Bingran.

Yun Si glanced at the man sitting next to her.

Zhou's mother seemed to see through what she was thinking, pulled her to sit down, and said with a smile: "At first we also wanted to ask Bing Ran to be a teacher, but he refused."

"I have to say something... I'm too lazy to teach, it's troublesome, I don't want to deal with children..."

"...Is that so." It really seemed like what he said.

"It's fine now, you are also a teacher, he... can't escape the clutches of the teacher."

He didn't like her being polite to him, as if she was still a stranger.

Emphasize these four words.

After the harmonious dinner time passed, Father Zhou and Mother Zhou were going back.

The red envelope is very thick to the touch, and it can be several thousand at least.

Mother Zhou looked at Zhou Bingran meaningfully.

Soon, Zhou Bingran came out.

Nine p.m.

Zhou Bingran kept silent, poured the drink, and gently placed the cup in front of Yun Si.

Yun Si took the gift they gave, but had no choice but to accept it.

"Okay, Xiaoyun, take it if I give it to you."

"Then, thank you Uncle, thank you Auntie, I will have a good time with Bingran."

Marriage is the premise, so she will automatically become Zhou's family member by default.

Mother Zhou watched his actions with a deeper smile on her face.

"Uncle and aunt gave me a present just now."


"Bing Ran will trouble you. If there is anything wrong with him, please bear with me."

After seeing off Zhou's father and Zhou's mother, Zhou Ruijie's car also arrived.

"Take it." He pinched her ear, "No, Xu, you're welcome."

Yun Si was caught off guard, "Without auntie, how could I ask for your gift——"

"..." After thinking for a while, she still took out the thick red envelope and gave it to him, "I'll give this to you, I won't take any money, it's too much."

When you take the initiative, you become very careful and take care of every detail.

Zhou Bingran didn't seem to be surprised. He glanced at her and put his palm on her head, rubbing it.

Yun Si was flattered, "Uncle, I really don't need it, this is too—"

Yun Si looked at him and blinked.

Father Zhou didn't talk much, but at this moment, he also took out a red envelope and put it in her hand.

Rarely active.

"It's nothing, a small gift, not worth much money."

Zhou Ruijie grabbed her shoulders and patted her, "We're going to be a family in the future, so don't worry about these things."

While Zhou Bingran was still paying the bill and was not present, she said, "Xiaoyun, take it, it's a small gift."

I don't know what Zhou Bingran said to them. Although it was the first time they met, she seemed to have confirmed her identity.

Watching them leave, Yun Si looked at Zhou Bingran, teased him, and then showed him her bag.


"Good~" Mother Zhou touched her face.

Zhou's mother smiled and said, "I'll be free in a few days, please come and play at home."

It can be seen that she is very satisfied with her, so her attitude is also very good.

"I'll keep it if I give it to you, you're welcome."

When the group left the restaurant, Mother Zhou took out a small gift box from her bag and stuffed it into Yunsi's hand.


After a while, he took it back obediently.

"Then... I'll take it first."

He hooked his lips, "Remember Hua, this is for you, and it's also their heart."

The more you give, the more you value her.

(End of this chapter)

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