Chapter 2779 Want to fold (1)

Yun Si was awakened by a burst of crying.

When the consciousness returned to the cage, crying could be heard from a distance.

It was as loud as killing a pig, crying so loudly that the ground shook, and the door frame seemed to be shaken three times.

The cries of the bear children were loud and annoying, and the noise made people's tired nerves tense even more.

Skull pain.

She slowly opened her eyes and covered her ears, trying to block out the annoying voice.

I don't know what happened outside, the crying is very loud, as if my parents are dead.

There were maids' comforting voices and voices of scolding, none of which could suppress the crying.

No matter how much you can coax them, you can't coax them.

"I'm not going! I'm not going! Ah—I'm not going!!!"

"Whoa - don't pull me!!! Get the hell out of me! I'm not going! Whoa whoa whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa - ”

Birds resting on the eaves fly up from crying, restless.

"I'm not going - whoa whoa whoa - I'm scared - go away!!!"

Like a spoiled little overlord, crying and pissing off at the same time.

"Why don't you let my sister go!!! Let her go!!! I won't go!!!"

"Bastard!" The old father scolded, "You are the only boy in the family, who will you go if you don't go!? Get up! No matter what you say today, you have to go!"

"Let my sister go!!! I don't care! I won't go! I won't even die!"

"..." In the room, Yun Si, who had a headache from the noise, slowly sat up.

Support your body, raise your eyes, and you will see a simple, quiet, antique room.

She was sitting on the bed, with small hands, short legs, wearing pajamas, and looked like a teenage girl.

The face, which was not as big as a palm, was small and delicate, but his face was a little pale and bloodless, as if he had just suffered a serious illness.

It looks soft, not yet open, like a bunny, white and soft, with quiet eyebrows and eyes.

She sat on the bed, licked her dry lips, and looked for the tea kettle in the room.

Outside the house, the cries of the bear child were tenacious and unremitting, crying more forcefully than the bear.

I cried so much that I still coughed, coughed a few times, and continued to cry.

Playing a rogue thoroughly.

Helpless, as a last resort, his mother came out and comforted him.

"Son, don't cry, just go for a while, just for a while, okay?"

"It's okay, it's really okay, mother promises to you, it will be fine in a while, and I will be back soon."

"I'm not going!!!"

It's useless to coax her like this, she cries a lot and refuses to die.

"Let my sister go!!! Why did you let me go!??"

In the room, Xiao Yunsi got out of bed slowly, put on her shoes, and went to pour water on the tea table.

She didn't care about what happened outside the house, she just drank water quietly, several times in a row.

The water is already a little cold, and drinking it just quenches your thirst.

She finished drinking and wiped her moist mouth.

Just as he was about to put down the cup, someone pushed the door outside the house and came in.

It's her personal servant girl, Chun Ying.

Young doesn't look very big, he is taller than her, and he came in with a copper basin.


Seeing her standing alone by the table, Chunying hurried over, "Miss, are you awake? Is there any discomfort in your body?"

Since she accidentally fell into the water some time ago and contracted a cold, she has been in poor health.

She had a high fever last night, and thought she would have to sleep for a while this morning, but unexpectedly, she woke up early.

It seems to be more energetic.

The pale Yun Si looked at her and shook her head.

Under the thin pajamas, the body is thin and small, and the immature face looks very cute.

(End of this chapter)

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