Chapter 2783 Want to fold (5)

Soon, she was put into the carriage.

Chunying couldn't follow, she was only surrounded by her father-in-law.

Before setting off, Yunmu told her not to speak unless necessary, so she kept quiet.

Not noisy or noisy, so quiet that it doesn't look like a child at all.

The head eunuch who received the silver sat in the carriage with her, seeing that she was silent, thought she was afraid, so he comforted her.

"Don't be afraid, young master, the palace doesn't know how to eat people, everything is left to the miscellaneous family."

The small-faced man with long and thick eyelashes opened, looked at him, and nodded.

I wanted to ask what Jin Gong did, but after thinking about it, I still didn't ask.

Keep your mouth shut and stay silent all the way.

There was a long line, orderly and unusually quiet.

Some are older and more courageous, so they can look around curiously to see the majestic, majestic and majestic imperial city guarded by the imperial guards.

This body has just recovered from an illness, and it has no strength at all, and it is uncomfortable because of the thick clothes.

But now, everyone is quiet and no one is paying attention to her.

Many officials' children were arranged here, as if deliberately making them suffer, they just stood there.

Dozens of carriages and dozens of official children got off.

Then, the officials' children, about twelve or thirteen years old, were helped to the ground.

Yun Si walked at the back of the team, following with some difficulty.

The little girl standing at the end was so hot that she was very irritable and kept wiping off her sweat.

It was so hot, and sweat was oozing slightly from her forehead, soaking the makeup on her face, and the makeup powder became a little dry and cracked.

The clothes are stuffy and airtight, and it is also clumsy to walk.

She was walking on short legs, and after a short walk, her back was covered with sweat.

Line up and walk into the palace gate one by one.

Some of them were too young, and their faces looked extraordinarily immature. It was the first time they left home alone, and they were so scared that they wanted to cry.

It was midsummer, and the summer sun was scorching hot, but the flowers in the garden were still blooming vigorously and vigorously.

Passing through all the lanes, finally, this carriage, together with dozens of other carriages, lined up on the main road of the palace gate.

There are no umbrellas and no chairs.

All of them are wearing expensive clothes, and they are all the sons of the family, the kind that are loved all the time.

On a carriage, the eunuchs got off first.

The carriage she was in was heading towards the palace all the way.

Without the shelter of the pavilion, the garden is exposed to the increasingly fierce sun.

Like a stupid penguin who is silly and funny.

However, the eunuch at the front, holding his whisk, said loudly: "Please wait a moment, my lords, your highness will be here soon, all my lords, please be calm and calm."

The palace is very large, and the roads inside are also winding and winding.

Yun Si was helped out of the car and followed the guidance of the eunuch father-in-law.

It was summer, and when she was wearing thin clothes, Mica stuffed a lot of cotton into her clothes in order to make her look stronger.

If it was normal, she would be laughed at by other officials' children if she walked like this.

The road outside the carriage is bustling and bustling.

Stand in line, stand in several rows.

Walk all the way until you reach a large garden courtyard.

However, no one spoke at this time, so she could only keep her mouth shut.

Drenched in sweat, feeling cool, sticky and greasy.


Yun Si lowered her head, her little face tensed.

Looking at the ground, not speaking.


(End of this chapter)

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