Chapter 2785 Want to fold (7)

As if entering an invisible cage, a sense of oppression hits my face.

Jing Shi, Zhuang Su.

Don't dare to speak loudly.

The eunuchs brought the remaining fifteen young masters to a small room in the side hall.

He didn't say anything, just let them wait in the room.

Fifteen children lined up in three rows, and the first row was called out first.

For the rest, continue to wait.

Still no stools and no water.

You have to stand, not sit.

The person who spoke just now shut his mouth, everyone was quiet, and obediently followed.

Behind the screen, people's shadows are looming, and the darker the sky, the harder it is to recognize the shadows.

Like picking livestock for slaughter.

"Let's talk about each other, so that His Highness can get to know each other."

She looked at it, and looked at the screen again.

Leave the small room and enter the main hall.

After a long time, I only heard a graceful and elegant female voice from behind the screen, breaking the stagnation for a while.

Yun Si stood on the far left side, so far away that she could almost touch the silky gauze curtain.

It should have been divided into two batches, one batch at a time.

It feels cool and smooth, and feels great.

Yun Si lowered her head, licked her dry lips, her eyes were lowered, and her spirit was listless.

The soft moon shadow gauze curtains hang down layer by layer, falling on the cold dark ground, blocking the light of the sunset outside, making it even more dim.

At this time, the sunset glow in the sky is gradually sinking, the light is getting dimmer, and the cool breeze is blowing.

Yun Si thought about what her mother who doted on her son had said to her before going out, and it seemed that she also mentioned that it was just a formality and she would be back soon.

"Which family are you children from?"

"Hey, you said later, should I perform worse? Guaranteed not to be selected?"

Just watching, the eunuch bowed to the side, and said in a respectful voice, "Your Majesty, Your Highness, the rest of the people are here, please take a look."

Yun Si quietly looked at the jade screen.

"Who else? My mother's uncle's family, the one from the prime minister's family."

"Shouldn't be selected, my parents told me that my mother has already chosen a good person, this time it's just a formality."

The remaining ten people were arranged to stand in front of the screen.

The person next to him was talking in a low voice, and she listened to it.

As he spoke, he pointed to the person standing in the middle of the front row.

There are people behind the screen, but they can't see anything.

It's no wonder...she would let her enter the palace with confidence, even at the risk of being discovered.

Standing straight, with head raised and chest held high, like a bamboo pole, even after standing for a whole day, he did not complain.

The atmosphere seems to be a bit uncomfortable.

Just as he was thinking, he saw the big eunuch coming in from the door with a high-pitched voice.

But maybe because the first batch was not selected, in order to save time, the rest came together.

"Really? Who is it? Has it been decided by default?"

"The rest, line up."

Yun Si looked over and saw that the one standing in the middle was the tallest and looked the strongest and healthy.

The people inside did not speak, and the air condensed for a while.

In the hall, a luxurious and magnificent Qingling emerald screen spans the center of the main hall, with two towering pillars standing quietly on the side.

Compared with other people with tired faces, it is indeed much more conspicuous, and it can be seen at a glance.

Outside the screen, children standing in a row looked at each other.

It seems that he also knows that on such an occasion, he cannot be rude and lose face.

So, the villain standing on the far right was the first to speak.

"See Your Majesty, see Your Highness, Xiaomin's surname is Liang, his name is Jiaping, he is thirteen years old, his native place is Hengyang, his father is Liang Kuangbo, and his official position is the second rank of Grand Tutor."

(End of this chapter)

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