Chapter 2792 Want to fold (14)

Nodding, it seems to be a law-abiding one.

"Okay, thank you, father-in-law."

The steward smiled slightly, "Young master, let's take a rest today, and His Highness will summon you in time when you are rested tomorrow."

Although he intends to deal with her coldly, there are still obvious etiquettes.

Yun Si looked at him, and suddenly asked, "Your Highness... are you in good health?"

The manager was stunned for a moment, and then replied: "His Royal Highness is in good health, there is no serious problem."

The answer was very general, almost tantamount to no answer.

Yun Si nodded.

Probably because she knew that she would not get any useful answers if she asked, so she didn't ask any more.

Hum Chi Hum Chi.

The little shoulder was slightly discouraged, and silently cleaned up by himself.

Day [-].


Her brother's clothes and luggage were also brought in, and they were placed on the table, unpacked.

The general manager came out from the political affairs palace, arranged the Buddha dust, and stood up.

On the first day Yun Si lived in the East Palace, everything was safe and sound.

The next day, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince did not summon her.

She watched, then turned her head to look at the two tall and strong eunuchs standing at the door.


Except that some are not used to being surrounded by eunuchs and there are no court ladies, everything else is acceptable.

Day three, day four.

His Highness has limited energy, so he won't care about everything.

There are no details, and I will report to His Royal Highness the Prince.

Especially in the inner palace, the gates of the palace are tightly closed and guarded by layers of heavy soldiers.

The lights there were brightly lit and kept on all night, and it was extremely quiet.

A set of fat clothes, and black makeup powder on the face.

For the little companion, he understands that if there is nothing particularly unusual, there is no need to report the rest.

Yun Si can freely enter and exit her own wing, but she cannot go to other places in the East Palace at will.

Pass through the labyrinth-like corridors and come to the Political Palace where His Royal Highness the Prince participates in state affairs.

Open the door and enter the wing room. The inside is not too big, but it has all the necessary furniture.

The manager understood what he meant and stepped back consciously.


His Royal Highness seemed to have finally remembered the existence of her as a companion, and summoned her.

His Highness the Crown Prince, who kept coughing for a long time, looked at him with pale lips and eyes on the ground.

It was inconvenient to move, but I still had to endure it.

Early in the morning, even before the sun had risen, when it was still dark, she was called up.

Before dawn, she was led into the inner palace in a daze.

Look at the scenery, in a daze.


Unless summoned by the prince, even if she has the status of accompanying student, it will not help.

Therefore, Yunsi could only walk around a few gardens in the outer palace.

Including Yun Si's regards to his body, he also reported it.

After seeing off Yunsi, the chief eunuch came to the Political Affairs Palace on the inner wall of the East Palace.

While sleepy, I put on my clothes.

I obviously don't care about this so-called companion reading.


The swords in the hands of the guards outside the palace shone with cold light, standing still on both sides.


For a long time, no words were spoken.

Meals are delivered on time and regularly for three meals a day, four dishes and one soup, which is much better than the food in Yunfu.

Afterwards, Shuangbai's slender hand slightly raised, which meant that he could step back.

Let yourself change from a beautiful and fair little beauty to a round and chubby boy who looks dull and inconspicuous.

As long as the people below are always paying attention.

The momentum is compelling, sharp and powerful.

Walking to the gate of the palace, Yun Si, who was still sleepy, gradually became sober.

The steward pushed open the palace door and motioned her to go in.

"..." She hesitated for a moment, then slowly raised her leg.

(End of this chapter)

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