Chapter 2796 Want to fold (18)

The long and shallow eyelashes were raised, and the dark eyes looked at her, neither happy nor angry.

There seemed to be some resistance to her approach.

Yun Si paused for a moment, then silently withdrew her hand.

"Your Highness should pay attention to your body."

Her immature voice was a little sullen, as if she was not very happy.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince looked at her lowered head, but did not speak.

He coughed twice again, lowered his eyes, and his emotions were unclear.




After school in the afternoon.

Yun Si was led and left the inner palace of the East Palace.

A little eunuch led her to the direction of the wing, and Zeguang Zeqing followed behind her.

There was silence all the way, and no one took the initiative to speak.

Zeguang Zeqing, who was assigned to take care of her, was both dumb.

If she didn't speak, they would never speak.

The expression is indifferent, and the silence is abnormal.

Back in the wing room, Zeguang Zeqing stopped at the door, standing like two pillars, motionless.

The tea in the room was gone, Yun Si picked up the teapot and came to the door.

"Eunuch Zeguang, can I trouble you to fetch some water?"

You have to raise your head when talking to them, which has no deterrent effect at all.

Ze Guang took the teapot and bowed slightly, "Young master, wait a moment."

After that, he took the teapot and walked out.

Now, only Ze Qing was left at the door of the wing room.

Yun Si turned to look at him.

I wanted to ask something, but after thinking about it, I still didn't ask.

Eunuch Zeqing's face looked more fierce than Zeguang's, like a butcher holding a butcher's knife, vicious.

It can almost be hung on the door to ward off evil spirits.

Assigning him to her was probably to frighten her and keep her from messing around.

Thinking like this, she lowered her head, turned and went back to the house.

Lying on the table, sighing, in a daze.




The second day of formal accompanying reading.

Before dawn again, Yun Si was called up.

Dress yourself, put on shoes, and simply wash up.

Drowsy and sleepy, he walked out of the room and was taken into the inner palace.

While walking, while yawning.

There are guards everywhere in the inner palace, and the guards are strictly prohibited.

When she came to the political affairs palace, in front of the palace gate, a father-in-law saw her and bowed to salute.

"Young master, wait a moment, His Highness will arrive later."

It was already a quarter of Yin's hour, and Yun Si thought she was too late.

In the end, for some reason, Chu Ling was late.

Obviously yesterday, he arrived early.

"What's wrong, Your Highness? Are you feeling unwell?"

Yun Si observed the tired look on his face and asked.

So tired, as if he hadn't slept all night.

The fact that the people below couldn't sleep meant that the master above had something to do, and it wasn't a trivial matter.

The father-in-law hesitated for a while, but he didn't hide it, and said: "Your Highness suffered from stomach problems last night, and he couldn't sleep well, so he was late."

"Stomach problem?"

Yun Si thought of the scene where he barely ate yesterday. must have stomach problems.

If you eat so little, your body will be weak, so it's strange if you don't get sick.

"..." She pursed her lips slightly, and asked, "Has the imperial doctor visited? Is Your Highness feeling better?"

"Don't worry, young master, Your Highness is fine, just rest for a while."


The master above is not feeling well, they are probably used to being servants, so it is no surprise.

Nor do they advise.

Anyway, let him eat more.

Yun Si was no longer sleepy, she quietly stared at the closed palace door and pursed her lips.

I don't know what to think.


The door of the hall opened, and the manager, the father-in-law, came out from inside.

"Young master has been waiting for a long time, you can go in—"

(End of this chapter)

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