Chapter 2800 Want to fold (22)

"..." She looked up and blinked.

His Highness finished school, so she can go back to her own residence.

Before leaving, she thought for a while, turned her little face up, and looked at the father-in-law in charge.

"If possible, His Highness's meals...can be light."

Her immature voice was extraordinarily childish.

Even though he looks small, he looks like a little grown-up.

With kindness.

"Your Highness has a poor appetite, it may be that the food delivered is too greasy."

"It may be better to replace it with some clear soup and vegetarian dishes."

After all, for people with stomach problems, eating greasy meat and vegetables will only make their stomachs more nauseated and difficult to swallow.

Change to something light, maybe it will be better.

The manager's father-in-law froze for a moment, then opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something.

But after all, it's still the master's business, so he didn't want to say much, he just responded with a salute, "Yes, thank you for your concern, young master, the servants will pay more attention."

The little man in front of him seemed to know that he was a soft-spoken person, and they might not listen to what he said, so he only said a few more words.

Zeguang Zeqing's two father-in-laws were waiting aside, and she quickly followed them away.

With short legs, da da da.

Dressed chubby, he still looks like a cute little penguin.

After watching her leave, the Eunuch in Chief was hesitating whether to tell His Royal Highness what she just said.

Said... But His Royal Highness the Crown Prince once mentioned that there is no special situation, so there is no need to report to him.

Not to mention... His Highness seems to be a little lenient towards the little companion who was forced in.

Even listen to him.'s really hard to choose.

The father-in-law in charge thought for a while, and finally turned around and entered the palace.

"Your Highness..."




Cloud House.

Yun Si disguised herself as a man and entered No.20 in the palace for five days.

These days, mica can't eat well, and can't sleep well.

Frightened, it was like hanging a huge stone in his heart, for fear that there would be bad news from the palace.

Father Yun entered the palace every day, so she had to stand at the door and wait every day.

As soon as he came back, she would immediately question him in detail, fearing that what she had done to conceal the truth would be found out.

On this day, Yun Hezhong came back from the palace after a long time.

When I got home, it was almost dark.

Mica was waiting at the door, with anxiety and anxiety written all over her face.

As soon as he saw him, he rushed up immediately.

"Master! Why did you come back so late?"

"What happened? Did something happen in the palace?"

She was surrounded by servants, and she didn't say clearly what was going on.

But both of them knew it.

Yun Hezhong didn't have a smile on his face, but patted her hand to show her peace of mind.

Back in the bedroom, he closed the door and said in a low voice, "Don't wait at the door every day from now on. If others see this, they will be suspicious."

It's okay if you don't look at it, but if you look at it, you might feel that his family has done something bad, which is why you are so anxious and panicked.

Isn't this a clear way to attract attention?
Yun Hezhong blamed her, but she shed tears and said, "Master, I'm afraid."

"I'm afraid that if we are discovered one day, then our whole family will—"

"I know I was afraid that you would have dared to let Si Si go—" He lowered his voice, and looked around the door vigilantly.

"Are you afraid now?"

Mica shed tears and did not speak.

Seeing that these short days have passed, her face has become quite haggard.

There are dark circles under the eyes.

"What can I do then?" she sobbed.

(End of this chapter)

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