Chapter 2810 Want to fold (32)

An hour later.

Ze Guang Zeqing returned to the palace and came to Chu Ling.

Both knelt down and saluted.

"Your Highness."

Chu Ling sat in front of the imperial platform and raised his eyes.

Eyes fell on them.

He settled for a moment, and then looked behind them.

It was empty, the little man who was supposed to be back did not appear, the book in his hand was slowly closed, his eyes were cold.

"what happened?"

Ze Guang knelt on the ground with his head lowered, "Returning to Your Highness, Young Master Yun suddenly felt unwell and had a high fever, so he couldn't leave immediately to return to the palace, so he wanted to postpone his return until the day after tomorrow..."


In the vast and spacious palace, there was a moment of eerie silence.

The young man with a sickly white face like a ghost sat there without saying a word, his eyes were dark.

It was silent for a while.

Afterwards, some old books were placed on the table.

The sound was not loud, but it was inexplicably like a heavy thunder, hitting the heart drum directly.

Zeguang Zeqing knelt down and lowered his head.

It seems that even breathing is lightened, not daring to increase it.

There was clearly nothing on his shoulders, but he felt a heavy pressure invisibly.

They were so overwhelmed that they dared not look up.

Ze Guangfu knelt on the icy ground, paused for a while, and continued: "I have seen it with my own eyes, young master... I really feel unwell."

Chu Ling lowered his eyelashes, his tone was uncertain, "Really?"

how does he...

Just so unbelievable?

Obviously before leaving, he was still a lively and energetic little chatterbox, but after walking for two days, he couldn't get sick?

His cold white fingertips landed on the countertop and tapped lightly, his eyes were extremely dark, and it was difficult to distinguish between emotions and anger.

In the huge palace, it was extremely quiet.

For a long time.

It wasn't until the kneeling two people's limbs became stiff, their blood stagnated, and their lower bodies became numb, that His Royal Highness above him spoke with a cold tone.

"Tomorrow, bring him back."

He only has a grace period of one day.

"If you can't bring it back, let Yunhe Zhongti come and see you."

"Yes, Your Highness."

After Ze Guang and Ze Qing stepped back, the palace fell completely silent.

Chu Ling sat, his gaze fell on the book in front of him.

It was the little companion reading the book left with him. Before she left, she still hugged this book every day, pestered him, and wanted to press his leg.

It is a silly little tail, and it smiles when it sees him, and the smile is obedient and sweet.

Chu Ling quietly looked at the book she left behind, his eyes were dark and uncertain.

Probably also realized that he seemed to care a little too much about her.

It doesn't really matter if she comes back two days late, it's just that no one is pestering him to talk, just stay by his side.

If he wanted to, he could let other people stand beside him at any time, and she was not the only one missing.

Chu Ling looked at the book, and suddenly stuffed it at the bottom of all the memorials.

Don't look, don't want to, don't speak.

I don't know what to worry about.




Day two.

Ze Guang Zeqing left the palace early and went to Yun Mansion to pick him up.

He came out before dawn, stayed outside the palace for a long time, and didn't come back until late in the evening.

This time, with the prince's personal imperial edict, they successfully received the person.

As it was getting dark, Zeguang Zeqing led the people to the Political Affairs Palace.

The manager, the father-in-law, went in first to report.

"Your Highness, Young Master Yun is back."

Chu Ling, who was reviewing the memorial, stopped his pen for an instant.

Ink smudges across thin paper.

He lowered his eyes, his pale face was indifferent, as if nothing happened.

"Let him in."

"Yes, Your Highness."

The manager's father-in-law withdrew, and soon, someone came in.

Come in, take a step, stop again.

(End of this chapter)

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