Chapter 2816 Want to fold (38)

East Palace.

An Weiying appeared in front of Chu Ling in simple black clothes.

Kneel on one knee, clasping fists.

"Your Highness, things are exactly as you expected."

Chu Ling, who had lost his little companion beside him, was sitting in a wheelchair, facing the window.

The dark guard knelt behind him, raised his head slightly, and looked at him.

Chu Ling looked at the sunny and blue sky outside the window with distant and calm eyes.

The bright light shone into his eyes, which made his eyes dark and boundless.

Faintly, the expression on his face did not change.

It's like not listening, just enjoying the beautiful and pure sky quietly and attentively.

Kongyou's eyes seemed to be a little lost in thought.

Ying paused for a moment, and then presented a painting.

"Your Highness, this is the portrait of the youngest daughter of the Yun family."

"The person Yun Hezhong sent in is indeed his youngest daughter."

"And his son is currently hiding in his father-in-law's house and has been shutting himself out."

The portrait was handed over, but Chu Ling didn't accept it.

There are sparrows flying by outside the window, landing on the high eaves, jumping and jumping, seeming innocent and innocent like a child.

The colorful and beautiful little birds are singing happily and freely.

Because she was too innocent, she didn't know that she was being watched by the person in the wheelchair in the window eaves.

His eyes followed it like a shadow, and they were inseparable for a long time.

Cold white fingers landed on the corner of his snow-white sleeve, caressing silently, his eyes were far away.

Like the caged falcon with broken wings, staring at the ignorant and simple little bird for a long time.

If you've been hungry for too long, you'll want to lure it over and eat it.

Whole, gobble it up.

"what is her name?"

His Royal Highness the Prince with a white face and a cold voice asked quietly.

Ying bowed her head and replied: "Your Highness, she is called Yun Si, she was born on the same day as Yun Yanzhang, and they are twin siblings. It is said that their somewhat similar."

"It's just that because the Yun family values ​​men more, she has never appeared outside, and Yun Hezhong hardly mentions her, so outsiders only know that the Yun family has a son, but not a daughter."

The birds on the eaves jumped up and down, and they seemed to be getting closer to the window.

Chu Ling stared at it for a long time, but remained silent.

Finally, he raised his hand slightly.

"Understood, back off."

"...Yes, Your Highness."




Not long after the dark guard retreated, the little bird on the eaves also flew away.

As soon as it flew by, and looked through the window, all I could see was the blue cloudless sky, so blue that it looked like a natural watercolor painting.

It reflects with the resplendent palace, the colors are bright and beautiful.

It's beautiful, but it's a pity that I've seen it too many times and I'm getting tired of watching it.

Chu Ling withdrew his gaze, and slowly opened the picture scroll brought by the hidden guard.

The little people in the painting seemed to spread out, and he lowered his eyes and stared at it for a long time.

Until the sound came from outside the palace.

"Your Highness~"

It was as if the little bird that flew away had come back again.

Bringing that fresh vitality in, dispelled the extraordinarily cold silence in the palace.

She came back and ran to him.

Running to his side, panting slightly.

"Your Highness, the minister is back."

It was as if the little bird came to the big falcon stupidly, without knowing anything, and its eyes were extraordinarily bright.

"Here, I'll give it back to you."

She handed back the gold medal she had borrowed from him.

Chu Ling raised his eyes and looked at her.

Looking at her ruddy pink face, red lips, and soft breathing.

He settled for a few seconds, then looked away.

(End of this chapter)

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