Soon, the nanny that Chu Ling mentioned came.

The servants around Yun Si suddenly changed from two to four.

In the past, there were only two father-in-laws, Zeguang and Zeqing, but now there are two dexterous nanny, who seem to be assigned to take care of her daily life.

After Mammy came, Ze Guang and Ze Qing, who used to enter her house, stopped entering her house again.

Just standing at the door, standing, acting as the door god.

Mammy cleaned the house, packed her clothes, and helped her wash.

Originally, he wanted to wait on her while she was taking a bath, but Yun Si strongly refused, so she gave up.

In order to hide her identity as a girl, she has been trying to keep a distance from them and resist their approach.

However, this method is acceptable when Yun Si is young, and she can still hide it from others with her immature face.

But soon, Yun Si began to develop.

When she was thirteen or fourteen, she grew rapidly under the extraordinarily favorable living conditions in the palace.

As it keeps growing, the body gradually changes.

Especially on a certain day when she was 14 years old, after her menstrual event came, her feminine characteristics became more and more obvious.

The face gradually opened, and the eyebrows and eyes became brighter and more beautiful, charming and charming.

The waist became more slender and soft, and the fragrance on the body became more intense and warm.

A pair of charming peach blossom eyes are always extraordinarily moist and wet, as if trying to take away the soul of a person.

The astonishing beauty is overwhelming.

She wears men's clothing and makes an effort to conceal herself with makeup.

However, this method can only deceive others.

In front of Chu Ling, she couldn't make up.

After putting on makeup, he would stare at her and ask her to wash her face.

She had to wash off all the makeup on her face before giving up.

There was no other way, in front of Chu Ling, she had no choice but to break the jar.

With such a beautiful appearance that is obviously a girl's family, she faces him every day.




The days flew by.

Yun Si was 20 years old when Chu Ling became an adult at the age of 16.

It grows gracefully, pure and gorgeous, like the trembling dewdrops on the green leaves under the morning sun.

His stunning beauty was concealed under the men's clothes, and almost no one noticed.

The palace only said that Prince Chu Ling had a very good relationship with his companion.

If someone offends His Highness the Crown Prince, all he needs to do is ask Yun Bandu to intercede, and His Highness the Crown Prince will be tolerant and forgive him once.

The relationship is so good, the happiest person is Empress Qingluan.

She thought that Yun Si was the hook she put in the East Palace, and if she caught the fish that should be caught, it was time to reel in the line.

On this day, she sent someone to secretly deliver a note, wanting to invite Yun Si to meet.

When Yun Si got the note, she was in Zangshu Pavilion.

The note was caught in a book she often read. When she turned it over, the note fell down and fell to the ground.

Be caught off guard.

"..." She lowered her head and looked.

Just as he was about to pick it up, a faint scent of ambergris came from behind him.

The man stood behind her, one step faster than her.

Picking up the note, his hands rested on the shelf, forming a small space between the shelf and him.

The hot and dry breath fell into her ears.

The content on the note caught her eyes.

It reads - Three days later, at the Xinyi teahouse outside the palace, we gathered together.

There is no inscription, only a single line.

"What is this?" The adult man's voice was low and his emotions were hard to distinguish.

The ambergris was so strong that it almost overwhelmed the body fragrance on her body.

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