Chapter 2837 Want to fold (59)

At this time, inside the palace.

The light fragrance lingers, and the tent hangs quietly.

The gate of the palace is closed tightly, the lanterns are bright outside, but the inside is dark and infinite.

You can see five fingers when you stretch out your hand, but you can only see five fingers.

In the quiet space, there was no sound, it was as quiet as if no one was there.

There was only a small torch, placed on the table, trying hard and hard to illuminate the surroundings.

The light made the curtains sway, shadowy and unreal like a dream.

Standing behind the door, Chu Ling looked at the dim and elegant scene, but did not speak.

Walking to the tea table, the food box was put down.

Before tearing it down, he had to confirm his mood again and again.

But then—

The next second, a pair of soft and warm hands covered his eyes.

It's like being blind.

Originally, he just wanted her to stay, to be with him, to let him have a companion.

As expected, there was no big reaction.

The steady breathing, faintly, began to become a little short.

The perennially cold fingers of the man whose eyes were covered trembled slightly.

I don't know who was lost in that sound of His Highness.

The candlelight was dim, and on the ground, the shadows of the two people met together.

The little guy is so seductive.

Just like that, overlap, can't tell who is who, it's hard to let go.

Do the last forbearance.

Through the gap, it seems to have got into the palace.

His field of vision immediately became dark.

Everyone else was afraid of him, but she was the only one who didn't. She dared to do this and covered the eyes of the future emperor.

As if he knew it was her, so he didn't move, and didn't pull her hand away.

Clenched into a fist, I don't know how much force I used to endure it.

Obviously not very close.He could perceive her every move clearly and clearly.

From behind, slamming east and west, approaching.

Her breathing was very light, but he could hear it clearly.

She covered his eyes, as if getting along with ordinary friends, with a smile, a little mischievous.

Standing by the candlestick, Chu Ling seemed to feel something and looked over.

Under the light and shadow, the layers of tents are soft and silky, swaying silently like the flowing moonlight.

It was windy outside, but it died down quickly.

Daughter's outfit.

Don't dare to touch it, for fear of being disturbed.

The light wind gently blew the hanging net.

The dim light reflected on his dark black gold and black clothes, his handsome and distinct face was as cold and white as a ghost, silent and cold.

out of control.

The fingers of Chu Ling's hands hanging down from the wide sleeves were slightly bent.

The window paper has been maintained for many years, and he has been holding back, waiting, waiting patiently.

She tiptoed slightly and leaned into his ear, "Your Highness... really promise not to get angry?"

That extraordinarily hot Daughter Xiang entangled him silently just like that.

As if deliberately hiding, that shadowy figure hiding in the dark.


He stood quietly, feeling that the person behind him moved forward and took a step closer.

It's like unwrapping a present.

"Your Highness."

"..." His Royal Highness, whose eyes were covered, hummed.

It seems to have changed clothes.

It looks like a high-ranking person who is difficult to approach, and the long shadow falls on the ground, trembling even with the burning candle.

The blood in the body was surging, gradually heating up and becoming hot.

She was likable when she was young, she was a little sugar bag, and when she grew up, she was even more——

The rise and fall of his chest was slightly chaotic, but it didn't show on his face.

Obviously breathing is already hot to the point of excitement, but it shows that it is cold.

Cold and indifferent, as usual.

"Yeah." He heard his own calm answer.

(End of this chapter)

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