Chapter 2840 Want to fold (62)

It was pitch black, just like his gaze staring at her.

A sudden problem with no warning.

Like angry, but also like not angry.

Yun Si froze for a moment, her eyes as bright as sparks in the darkness were slightly dazed.

"Your Highness, do you want to drive me away?"

The hand on his arm grasped instantly.

"Didn't you say that you are not angry? Why are you--"

"Do you want to?" He interrupted her, with a cold and cold face, extremely calm.

It makes people unable to figure out his mind, what is he thinking.

She doesn't speak.

Probably thought he was angry because she cheated on him, so he wanted to drive her away.

There was a bit of grievance and sadness in the beautiful eyes.

Sad because he was going to drive her away.

The grievance is because he lied to her and broke his promise.

She bit her lip and turned her face to one side, trying to avoid his sight.

No, he did this again, semi-strongly, straightening her face.

Told her not to avoid it, but to look directly at it.

"Think about it?"

he asked a second time.

The cold temperature passed through his hands to her warm skin.

The vagina is cold, as if being haunted by water ghosts.

"..." She was forced to look at him, to look directly at him.

Silent for a while, being asked this way, forced to answer.

a long time.

"It's agreed not to get angry, bad guy."

She stared at him with beautiful and wet eyes, and said in a muffled voice of aggrieved, "If you promise me, words don't count."

"So, what do you think?"

The man with unknown thoughts was almost in close contact with her whole body.

The slender fingers penetrated into her hair, making the simple and elegant wooden hairpin want to fall off.

The movements are obviously elegant, gentle, and pleasing to the eye.

But the result was inexplicably brutal.

It was like a cage that was constantly tightening, forcing the poor prey into an inch of space.

There is no going back.

Obviously, it was easy to talk in the past.

But today, he showed no mercy and pressed her every step of the way, insisting on her giving an answer.

Her eyes were slightly red and watery.

Being forced like this, she pursed her lips, depressed and wronged.

"Huh?" He was waiting for her answer.

"..." The voice of the man who had no way out was a bit annoyed, like a rabbit being cornered, "I don't want to! I just want to be with you—"

"What?" The movement through her hair became gentler and rougher.

The crumbling wooden hairpin was about to fall to the ground.

She stopped talking.

Being cornered, she made a gesture to push him away.

But he grabbed her hand, pressed it to one side, stared at her, his eyes deepened, "You really don't want to leave the palace?"

"..." She turned her head to one side, sulked, and blurted out, "If Your Highness wants to drive the girl away, how can the girl stay still?"

The words of the monarch and his ministers came out, and it seemed that he was really sad.

Not even looking at him.

Chu Ling's eyes were dim.

"Is it?"

His hand fell between her hair, and with another movement, the hairpin, which was already on the verge of falling, finally couldn't support it and fell.

"Click -" a sound, fell to the ground.

With the sound of the hairpin falling, her long hair poured down and fell completely.

At that moment, he narrowed his eyes slightly and leaned over.

A soft and cool touch immediately imprinted on her face.

Gently, tenderly.

Not stained with desire.

It seemed like a simple, random touch.

Sulking, the aggrieved person suddenly affirmed, looked at him instantly, "You—"

"how about this?"

He asked lightly, "So... don't you want to leave?"

(End of this chapter)

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