Chapter 2853 Want to fold (75)

Probably she didn't expect that such a simple promise could make her willing.

After a short pause, he grabbed her hand and asked, "Will Si Si marry me after writing it?"

His dark vision is hidden in the darkness, cannot be seen, cannot be caught.

Like a hunter lurking in the depths of danger, staring at her, motionless, with deep eyes.

However, as if she didn't notice, she nodded and smiled.

"You write and I will marry you."

It's a silly kitten.

I have stumbled countless times, but the more I fight, the braver I become.

No memory at all.

Stupid, willing to jump into the trap with a promise.

She is as innocent as if she has never experienced the dangers of this world, and she doesn't know how people's hearts are separated from her belly.

Chu Ling squeezed her hand lightly, without making a sound, seemed to be smiling.

He couldn't see the expression clearly and laughed, and he didn't know what he was laughing at.

"it is good."

I only heard him say softly like water: "I will write."

He grabbed her hand and hooked her little finger in the dark.

"Okay, I'll marry you after I write it."

She looked at him with bright eyes, "Yeah."

"Pull the hook?"

The foolish man blinked, "Does this also need a hook?"

"Well, I need it." He hooked her and stamped her.

"Hook, hang yourself, 100 years, don't change."

"It's a's a puppy."


This childish bastard.

She was a little amused, "I won't lie to you. To lie to you is the crime of deceiving the king, and you will be beheaded."

The childish man let go, and immediately hugged her waist.

Push her down again, onto the bed.

The sound of breathing was heavy, and it pressed against her cheek.

The voice was shallow, "It can't be cut, there is only one Si Si."

Yun Si was taken aback.

Because there is only one, a very precious one, like the sun in the sky and the moon in the night sky.

That's all.

How could he be willing to cut it when he finally encountered it?
Not willing to get hurt.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, who looked childish but was extremely sober and calm in his heart, hugged her and his tone became lighter.

"Promise me, don't lie to me, and don't betray me, okay?"

"..." She looked at him quietly.

"If you really..."

He didn't continue speaking the few words in the middle, and paused for a while.

"I will be sad, very sad, very angry, and I will be so angry that I don't know what to do."

Deep in the palace, which cannibalize people and never spit out their bones, they have witnessed too many things of use and betrayal, intrigues and intrigues.

It's hard for him to trust people anymore.

She is the person he trusts the most, and the only one who is willing to speak his mind, just like that, face to face, and be honest with each other.

If one day, she really—

He will be crazy.

Crazy that can't control the consequences.

His hands fell on her face, stroking gently.

"Promise me, okay?"

Stupid person, it seems that he is also dumbfounded.

He is obviously so smart on weekdays, so smart that he is a little scary, but now he is like a stupid three-year-old child, wanting to promise foolishly.

He believed her promise, and never doubted it again.


stupider than her—

At least, she also knew that she wanted the proof in black and white.


At this moment, someone who is obviously more intelligent, hugged him and pursed his lips.

"Well, I promise you."

It was very easy to agree.

Like a scumbag who tricked good women and men, she agreed without even thinking about it.

"Don't worry, Your Highness, I'm on your side."

She smiled and said.

"..." The man who got her promise was silent.

Quietly, hold her tight.

Arm, more and more force.

(End of this chapter)

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