Chapter 2855 Want to fold (77)

The eunuch snorted, shook his whisk, glanced at the mica behind him, and said: "The imperial decree has been issued, instead of thinking about whether there is a misunderstanding, Mr. Yun should save time and prepare the luggage for your son. "

"After all, time waits for no one, and the journey is far away. Your son is about to leave today, so there is no delay."

"..." Mica, who was holding the imperial decree, slumped down on the ground.

Looked like he was about to pass out.


The nanny behind her was about to help her up immediately.

When Yun Hezhong heard the movement, he turned around, "Ma'am—"

He was busy and followed to help.

The eunuch looked at them, tsk tsk.

Immediately, leave.

It is no longer like before, respectful and respectful, and treat each other with courtesy.

The warmth and coldness of human feelings and the coldness of the world are vividly displayed.

Supported by Mica, she closed her eyes and fainted completely.





In the evening, Yun Si came back.

He came back very low-key, sat in a carriage, and returned to the gate of Yunfu.

When Yun Hezhong heard the news of her return, he rushed to the door immediately, ready to question her face.

The result—unexpectedly, Yun Si was still followed by someone.

As usual, they were two tall, stalwart father-in-laws with fierce faces.

Two more nuns who took care of the daily life also came.

Followed behind Yun Si, not far away.

It looked the same as the previous treatment at home, there was no difference.

Not like a sinner, but like an ordinary visit home.

It's confusing.

When Yun Hezhong saw them, he forcibly held back the words he was about to say.

There is no way to attack immediately, so I can only hold back.

"came back."

He patted Yun Si on the shoulder, "Just come back."

"..." Yun Si looked at him with guilt on her face, "Father..."

"It's okay, don't say anything, go back and rest first."

With outsiders present, many things cannot be said.

You have to endure it first.

Yun Si understood what he meant and nodded, "That kid went in first."

Yun Hezhong watched her walk in, and then looked at the rest of the people.

The two vicious eunuchs didn't move, but one of the nuns stepped forward instead.

Salute to Yun and Zhong.

"Master Yun."

Yun Hezhong hurriedly returned the greeting, "Hello, Mammy."

Momo looked at him and said: "The matter has come to this, please Master Yun to make a plan early."

Yun Hezhong looked behind her and asked, "Nurse, do you know something? What happened to make His Highness cry so..."

The mother said: "Your Highness's thoughts, we are servants, how dare we guess?"

"It must be that His Highness was in a bad mood for a while, and found a punching bag for a while, and that's why he called you son..."

Upon hearing this, Yun Hezhong hurriedly said, "Then when His Highness calms down, is it—"

Seeing his expectant look, Mammy shook her head, extinguishing his last hope.

"The imperial decree has been issued, you have no jokes, how can you take it back?"

Yun Hezhong twitched his lips, "But this——Your Highness——"

"Master Yun, instead of thinking about how to blame the young master, you should think about how to save it. Maybe there is still room for maneuver in the matter."

Mammy pointed out something.

Yun Hezhong showed doubts on his face, and stepped forward, "Nurse means..."

She took out an imperial decree from her cuff and handed it to him.

"His Royal Highness has reached the age of [-], and it is time to marry a wife in his thirties."

"This is the imperial decree to summon all the girls from the official families to enter the palace to nominate for the crown princess. Master Yun, I heard... there is a young daughter in your mansion?"

(End of this chapter)

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