Chapter 2866 Want to fold (88)

On the day when the title of empress was conferred, he wanted to enter the palace, and wanted his up-and-coming daughter to speak up and intercede in front of the new emperor so that Zhang'er could come back.

It's just that the sky fails to fulfill people's wishes.

Before the letter he sent arrived, the news came that the new emperor and the new empress would go out of the palace together and go to Chanfu Temple to pray for the late emperor.

This trip out of the palace to pray for blessings lasted for a month, and only a few important officials followed.

As a civil servant without real power, Yun Hezhong is naturally not qualified to follow.

Helpless, he ran for nothing and couldn't see Yunsi.

I was anxious, but there was nothing I could do.

If he followed rashly, he would only annoy the new emperor, and it would be easy to self-defeating.

It is late autumn and the temperature is getting colder.

In another month, it will be the beginning of winter, and the heavy snow will come, and the climate in the distant border will be even worse.

This means that a person who has never experienced hardships or sins can stay there without food and clothing, and it is impossible for him to bear it or survive.

Letters of distress and crying came in every three days.

After all, Yun Hezhong still felt sorry for his son, and while spending money to send winter clothes to the border, he counted the days.

A month is not too long or too short.

When the time came, when the news came that the new emperor and empress would return to the palace, Yun Hezhong immediately sent someone to spread the message.

Can't stop, can't sit still.

The empress who came back from praying outside the palace received a letter from her father before she had time to take a rest after returning to the palace.

In a hurry, I wanted to see her.

It's like burning your ass.

It was already cold winter, and the empress, whose bones had become extremely tired, read the letter, propped her chin, and thought for a while.

Before she could move, the letter was taken away, and Xindi's indifferent and majestic aura fell around her.

"looking at what?"

The hand with clear fingers spread out the thin piece of paper, and he seemed to glance at it lightly.

The beautiful and fair person immediately turned around, surprised by him, " changed your clothes so quickly?"

He hummed, scanned the letter, and put the letter back on the table.

A slightly cool hand touched her warm face, and there was a bit of tenderness in the movements.

"I'm not sleepy, do you want to go to sleep for a while?"

He didn't mention anything in the letter, but after reading it, he seemed to forget it right away.

The road back to the palace was long and dusty, and she was sleepy and tired. She once fell asleep in his arms, sleeping restlessly.

Now that he's back, he still thinks, wait until she falls asleep before leaving.

I want to rest together.

But there are too many state affairs that have been backlogged for a month, and he still has to deal with them.

"..." The person who had read the letter blinked, stood up, and faced him.

"A Ling, my father's letter..."

"Don't intercede." The seemingly ruthless young emperor lowered his eyes and untied her belt.

Help her undress, with a calm tone.

"It's useless to plead, I don't agree."

Do not be this villain.

It seems that he knows that she will be embarrassed, so he will be the villain.

Let her be able to stay out of it, and no longer be caught in it, in a dilemma.


She looked at him with clear eyes, and opened her mouth slightly, "That's not what I meant..."

After a moment of silence, seeing his reaction, she wanted to laugh a little.

He took the initiative to lean forward and hooked his neck.

Standing on tiptoe, red lips approach.

"Is your husband venting your anger on me?"

"..." His movements are certain.

Immediately, she raised her eyelashes, her eyes were as black as thick fog, faint and cool.

Like a wet water ghost, staring at her with sticky eyes.

with danger.

"What did you call me?"

(End of this chapter)

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