Chapter 2876 Love (5)

"I do want to go."

Gu Ge, who had just sat down, was about to speak when he heard it.

But in the next second, I heard her say: "But now, I don't want to leave."

"...?" Gu Ge was a little surprised, "Why..."

Before she could ask, Yun Si leaned over to her ear.

After saying a few words, Gu Ge's expression became even more surprised.

The two looked at each other for a moment.

Finally, Gu Ge waved to Cheng Xiaodong who was accompanying Anna.

"Kongcheng, come here."

Caught off guard that his name was called, Cheng Xiaodong stood up and hurried over.

"Miss Krystal."

Gu Ge looked at Yun Si beside him, and murmured, "You..."




At this time, Lin Xiaosheng ran out of the bar and walked to the bus platform.

With increasingly heavy steps, he sat on the stool on the platform.

Consciousness is a little trance, head lowered, staring at the ground in a daze.

not moving at all.

The driveway on the side of the road was coming and going, speeding past.

There were people on the platform, all young people in groups.

Standing together, laughing and laughing.

The bustling city center is full of feasting and colorful lights.

Only he seemed to be cut off from this bustling and noisy world.

A person, sitting there alone.

The cold wind was blowing, messing up his somewhat long hair.

There is a long thin strip, and the wrist exposed under the suit that does not fit the size is extraordinarily thin.

Apart from the bones and raised veins, all that's left is the skin.

There is no meat at all, and it is scary thin.

He sat blankly, hunched over, and did not respond to the sounds around him.

He didn't move until the bus in the distance came, slowly stopped in front of the platform, and the door opened.

Supporting his vain body, he got up slowly.

About to get in the car, suddenly——

His cell phone rang.

It is the unique ringing sound of the elderly phone, and the sound is extraordinarily loud.

It was so loud that it could almost cover the voices of the people around it.

The skinny man in a suit stopped for a moment.

Line up in the line ready to get on the bus, lower your head, and slowly take out your phone.

Old flip phone, open, plugged in.


On the phone, Cheng Xiaodong's voice came: "You boy, are you leaving?"

"..." The young man standing behind the boarding queue and walking slowly was a little silent.

Thin fingers, slightly bent, with exposed blue veins, and a dry voice with a bit of vicissitudes.

"I said, I don't do this kind of work."

He is poor and short of money, but he also has his own principles.

He would never do the dirty work of showing off his smile in front of the guests.

The big deal is to be a porter again.

Porters, at least they don't have to sell their dignity.

Relying on your own strength to do things, at least innocent.

Extraordinarily one-sided.

He was obviously short of money, and he didn't even want such a good job.

"..." Cheng Xiaodong was standing outside the private room at the moment, so angry that he wanted to pry his head open to see what was growing inside.

What a great opportunity, he actually—

He took a deep breath and looked back at the private room with the closed door.

There was a voice of "di-student card-" on the phone, and he frowned, realizing something was wrong, "Where are you now?"

Lin Xiaosheng lined up, the person in front got into the car, swiped his card, and he followed.

"I want to go home."

As he spoke, he habitually took out coins from his pocket.

As soon as he put his hand in his pocket, it was empty and he couldn't touch anything, he was taken aback.

(End of this chapter)

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