Chapter 2882 Love (12)

10 minute later.

"Drip—the door was successfully opened—"

When Yun Si came back with breakfast, she changed into her slippers, and as soon as she came in——

Then he saw the man standing in front of the wall by the door.

A thin man with dry lips and messy hair.

Wearing a T-shirt and trousers, barefoot, like a ghost, standing there quietly.

He didn't speak, his eyes were black and hollow.

"..." Yun Si was frightened by him, "You—"

"What are you doing standing here?"

She closed the door, put down the key, and looked at him.

Today's her is not like the black enchantress last night, with a charming and charming dress.

Early in the morning, she was wearing a white sportswear and a high ponytail.

Refreshing female college student's attire.

With a pretty face, you can't tell the exact age, probably in his early twenties.

Looking at him, her lips were extraordinarily red.

It still seems a little swollen.

Lin Xiaosheng looked at her quietly, his hanging hands tightened slightly and clenched into fists.

Should have been shy, but at the moment, other emotions dominated him.

It seemed to him that there was an inexplicable anger.

I don't know why I am so angry.

Spend the night with her, take the money, pure transaction.

The interest relationship in the middle is very clear, but he just has a nameless anger.

I can't suppress it no matter what.

The more I think about it, the more uncomfortable it becomes.

"Why, help me?"


Her beautiful eyes blinked, "You mean...about medical expenses?"

He didn't speak, just stared at her.

His face was a little pale.

Like a prostitute who was humiliated by money but still retains the last trace of her dignity, she stared at her for a long time.

Do not ask for an explanation.

Yun Si narrowed her eyes and pondered, "Aren't you short of money?"

She put the breakfast she bought on the cabinet in the entrance hall and stepped forward.

Approaching him, he was in a wall-dong posture again.

Put your hands on his sides, look directly at him, and hook your lips.

"What? With my money, you feel humiliated and unhappy?"

"..." He still didn't speak.

Turning his face to one side, pursing his lips tightly, his eyes were cold.

"I do not need."

Yun Si raised her eyebrows slightly, "No need?"

Really backbone.

She covered his face with her hands, and half-compulsively, pulled his face back.

Face to face with his four eyes.

"But... I heard from the hospital that if the 15 medical expenses in arrears are not paid within today, the hospital will kick grandma out and tell her to fend for herself."

"Grandma's illness is so serious, are you sure... you want to take her life to get angry?"

"..." He stared at her with dark eyes, his fists hanging down, tightened and loosened, loosened and tightened again.


"15, I can borrow it, most of them are loan sharks, I don't need you."

I don't know why, and suddenly I got into a dead end.

Just don't want her money, just don't want to.

Obviously he shouldn't be angry, he should be more rational, but he just gambled.

Without even thinking about it, I blurted out.

"Take it back!"

"..." Yun Si looked at him and was silent for a while.

Immediately, I laughed.

Pinch his face, slowly.

"You don't want it, but's too late."

"The hospital collected all the money, how do you ask me to get it back?"

"I'll ask the hospital to return it to you—"

"Then I don't want it either." She stroked his messy hair and curled her lips, "Anyway, you owe me 50."

"Don't worry, take your time, earn money little by little, and return it to me."

"Before the money is paid off, I will trouble you... Come and accompany me often."

After all, she kissed him.

"It's interest."

she said.

(End of this chapter)

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