Chapter 2885 Love (15)

After dealing with that annoying Song Tingguang, it was already ten o'clock in the evening when Yun Si returned home.

Walking out of the apartment elevator, when she turned her head, she saw the person squatting against the door of her house.

Like the two potted plants beside him, he also turned into a potted plant, standing there, motionless.

Squat down, head down.

Hearing the sound of the elevator door opening, he slowly raised his head.

Under the thin, broken hair, a pair of dark and quiet eyes looked at her.

There is a stray dog ​​who is wandering outside looking for the door, guarding the door of the house, begging for adoption.

As soon as she appeared, he moved and stood up slowly.

The body is thin, and the stomach that was fed in the morning is deflated again.

Like not eating.

Yun Si was carrying a bag and wearing a delicate and beautiful dress, looking at him.

He frowned, a little surprised.

She thought...he wouldn't come.

After all, seeing how angry he was at her in the morning, with a humiliating and forbearing appearance, she still guessed—he would throw away the access card she gave him.

Throw it away as soon as you go back, and then ignore her again.

But did not expect ...

She stepped on high heels and walked over.

"Why don't you just go in when you're here?"

She walked to the door, pressed the password, and opened the door, "Don't you know the password?"

"..." The plainly dressed boy in a black T-shirt followed her.

The light-colored lips pursed slightly, and he took out the access card she gave him in the morning from his pocket, and handed it over.

"I'm here to pay this back."

"Here, give it back to you."

He seems to drink little water, and his voice is always dry and rustling.

When not angry, it is like a timid and easily frightened deer in the forest.

Gives people the illusion that they have a good temper and are particularly easy to bully.

Honest and heartless.

Hands that were so thin that only bones and skin remained were spread out, and the access control card lay quietly.

He looked at her and stopped outside the door.

She went in, and he didn't follow.

It seemed that he really just came to return the access control card.

Just leave and never stay.


Inside the door, Yun Si casually put down her bag, changed her shoes, and turned to look at him.

His eyes fell on his outstretched hands, and he seemed to be smiling for a while.

The tip of the tongue slightly touched the roof of the mouth, suppressing the evil taste welling up in the throat.

The bright peach blossom eyes were raised, and she looked at him with a half-smile.

"Are you... afraid of getting involved with me?"

He seemed to be taken aback, his eyes trembled slightly, "What?"

She pursed her lips and grabbed his hand.

Like a bandit, pull him through the door.

She clapped her hands on the wall behind him, and she took a step forward, leaning against him.

The thin white calf was pressed between his legs, she touched the tip of his nose, and the clear and bright eyes in the peach blossom eyes were lightly playful, as if she could see right through his heart.

"I want to get rid of the relationship so much... Is it because I am afraid that I will fall in love with me?"


Being too close, his breathing became a little short.

It really looked like a frightened deer, a little panic flashed in his eyes.

Not even knowing how to breathe, he subconsciously wanted to push her away.

Push with the back of your hand.

Panicked but still remember the gentleman.

"Little...Miss...I don't know what you're talking about..."

It will be like this when you get close to him, your face will be red, your ears will be red, your eyes will be dodged, and you will stutter when you speak.

Like an exceptionally innocent little daughter-in-law, the whole thing is heating up and steaming.

You can even feel his beating heart beating wildly.

"I...I said...I...I don't do this kind of work...I don't..."

She kissed him, softly.

His stammering explanation stopped abruptly.

(End of this chapter)

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