Chapter 2899 Love (29)

The next day.

Song Tingguang tidied up well, wearing a suit and leather shoes, black leather shoes, prepared roses for apology, prepared a valuable diamond necklace, and prepared a small cake that Yun Si loved especially.

In this way, early in the morning, I came to Yunsi's apartment.

Confident and ready to apologize.

You have to make her happy and accept him.

After all, he didn't want to lose her -- a beautiful woman with the best family background, the best knowledge, and the best appearance and figure.

It's hard to find even with a lantern. He is not stupid, he would foolishly give her to another man.

He stood at the door, holding flowers in his left hand and a gift box in his right.

Taking a deep breath, he reorganized in his mind what he planned to say in front of her.

Be sincere, apologize first, then promise, if it doesn't work, just swear or something...

Anyway, those tricks are the only way to coax a woman, with a better verbal attitude, and then give some valuable gifts.

Should calm down.

He is bound to get it.

In one go, he rang the doorbell.


At this time, in the apartment, the smart control panel next to the door lights up, displaying the monitoring screen outside the door.

someone is coming.

The man who was cooking breakfast in the apartment kitchen turned his head slightly.


The doorbell rang again.

Lin Xiaosheng slowly put down the knife.

The people in the room were still awake. In the living room, wearing slippers, he walked slowly to the control panel at the entrance.

Looking down, he looked at the monitor displayed on the panel.

Outside the door, stood a man.

Strange man, dressed in...

Lin Xiaosheng saw the rose in his arms at a glance.

this flower...

He just didn’t know him, and he knew what the flower was for——

Pursuing girls.

On the street, when men are courting girls, they often buy flowers like this.

Girls seem to like this kind of flower.

As long as you receive it, you will be very happy.

His dark eyes stared quietly, motionless, with no expression on his face.

For a moment, the look in his eyes became particularly frightening.


The skinny wild wolf finally got a piece of meat.

If it is snatched away by someone who doesn't have long eyes...

His hand, which was stained with water, slowly clenched.

Outside the door, Song Tingguang waited for a while, but the door never opened.

So he rang the doorbell again.

Standing in front of the doorbell, he waved to the micro-hole camera with flashing red dots.

"Si Si, it's me, please open the door."

"Don't be angry, okay?" He raised the cake gift box in his hand.

"This is your favorite ice cream cake. I bought it for you. I just made it. Open the door and I'll bring it in for you, okay?"

The red dot of the camera flashes.

Twinkle, twinkle.

Song Tingguang continued: "What happened last time was really a mistake. It's all my fault. I drank too much, so I did something wrong."

"I've already dealt with that matter, and I've already told her to go away. I promise, I will never have any contact with her in the future. If there is any more, I will die, okay?"

Even the poisonous oath was issued.

The apology is sincere.

The words are sincere and the attitude is good.

Then, 1 minute later, the door opened.

As soon as the door opened, Song Ting, who was standing outside the door, was overjoyed.

"I knew Si Si that you would—"

Not finished yet.

The person who was expected to appear did not appear, but a man appeared instead.

A strange man, blatantly showing up at his fiancée's apartment.

The joy on Song Tingguang's face came to an end.

(End of this chapter)

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