Chapter 2901 Love (31)

"what happened?"

While they were confronting each other, a lazy and tired female voice sounded.

In an instant, the atmosphere of tit-for-tat was broken invisibly.

Lin Xiaosheng looked at her immediately, his eyes darkened, his fists clenched tightly, and he didn't speak.

At first it was an aggressive, biting wild wolf, but in an instant, it looked like a tamed domestic dog.

When she came over, he grabbed her hand directly.

Grab it, hold on tight.

The dark eyes stared straight at her, silently, as if aggrieved.

I want her comfort, I want her to care about him, just like before.

Wanted her to look at him, not the one outside.

She didn't want to draw her attention to anyone else.

The hand grasped, extraordinarily tight.

Yun Si looked at him without making a sound.

He patted his head and looked outside the door again.

Outside the door, Song Tingguang, who had dislocated his right hand, stood up.

With a bit of embarrassment, he staggered.

"Yunsi! Who is he!? Is this the fucking reason you have been ignoring me these days!?"

"Because I cheated, you also found a man to piss me off on purpose?!"

"You fucking, even if you are angry, is it necessary to do this?! I just slept with that woman for one night, and you have to cheat for one night like this!?"

"..." The eyelashes of Lin Xiaosheng who had been staring at Yun Si trembled.

His fingers suddenly became cold in an instant.

Such as facing the cold abyss.

Staring at her eyes, there was a faint emotion.

Yun Si looked at him and grabbed his hand instead.

"It's not like that, don't think too much about it."

"..." He remained silent, lowering his eyes slightly.

The fingers trembled slightly, and the warm hand in the past was now very cold.

It seems to lose temperature.

"Yunsi!" Outside the door, Song Tingguang limped and was about to come in.

Yun Si's eyebrows twitched, and she glanced over coldly, "You really want to die, don't you?"

Normally Song Tingguang would be afraid of her appearance.

But now, he was going crazy.

How can you care so much?

He sneered: "What? Is it reasonable for you to cheat?"

"I really didn't expect that you would cheat and still be so confident?"

"Yes, I made a mistake first, and I only admit that I was wrong, so didn't I come to apologize to you? You are angry and have been ignoring me. Okay, it's okay, I can accept it. I come to apologize to you every day. The problem is, I am like this, if I make a mistake, I will correct it, and I will never run away from it.”

"But I absolutely can't accept that my fiancée is hanging out with another man, actually—you actually—you—you—if I didn't come last night, are you not going to tell me? You have been hiding it from me and giving me a cuckold son!?"

"Mr. Song, how many times do you want me to say it? I'm not your fiancee, and I don't even admit to the engagement."

Yun Si endured the anger that was about to rise, and tried her best to calm down.

"Whoever agrees to the engagement, who you go to, whether you cheat or not, whether you find a woman or not, has nothing to do with me. I don't care."

"Please, immediately, immediately, get out of here."

"Leave? I'm a fucking bastard—" Song Tingguang, furious, raised his uninjured left hand and was about to slap her.

The look of the man who was standing by the side without saying a word changed.

Raise your hand to block it.

With a subconscious movement, Yun Si was blocked behind.


He seemed to be completely irritated, and his hands were surprisingly strong.

The muscles and veins in his arm were bulging, and he pinched his wrist bone, thinking he was going to burst the bone.

She looked at him like she was going to kill him.

(End of this chapter)

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