Chapter 3010 Forced Marriage (58)

Xining Palace.

It has been nine days since Qi Mingze was placed under house arrest.

Since the sudden death of the first emperor, he didn't react, and he didn't even have time to contact his mother——

Pei Tingwen surrounded the place with soldiers. On the face of it, he was a guard, but in fact - he couldn't get out at all.

The news could not be spread out, nor could it be transmitted in. They were strictly controlled, and their every move was closely monitored.

He was not allowed to go out until the first emperor's edict to inherit the throne was announced to the world.

Under many guards, went to guard the spirit of the late emperor.

But after the vigil was over, he was locked here again, unable to get out, and there were people from Pei Tingwen outside.

Unable to contact his mother, he was anxious and tried various methods, but to no avail.

In desperation, he had no choice but to be patient and settle down for several days.

After the late emperor was buried in the cemetery, there were finally fewer guards over him, as if he knew that the matter was a certainty and there could be no further changes, Pei Tingwen did not prohibit him from walking around in the palace.

He was able to meet his mother, although it was too late—

The outside world is already the Pei family's world, and the fourth prince issued an edict to ascend the throne, which is logical. The imperial concubine who was always overwhelmed in the past became the queen mother and moved into the Yongshou Palace.

Under such a general situation, the positions of Qi Mingze and Sun Muzhen are actually very embarrassing.

After all, they were also strong contenders for the throne, and there was always a faction in the court that supported them.

But now, the situation has been settled, and the old-fashioned faction that originally supported them in the DPRK and China did not dare to oppose them on the charge of rebellion and treason.

Under the constraints of various conditions, the smart Sun Muzhen no longer rashly chose to hit a rock with an egg, but lowered her posture in a rare way.

After meeting her son, she took him to meet the new emperor and asked to leave the palace.

Since the new emperor ascended the throne in ancient times, other brothers and sisters can be enshrined as kings and stationed in the fiefdoms. From then on, they are not allowed to enter the imperial capital unless ordered, stay away from all rights and wrongs, and no longer interfere in the affairs of the palace.

In this way, it can also prevent the entrusted king from rebelling against his will and the possibility of rebellion to a certain extent.

Sun Muzhen, who was extremely critical of the situation, used this ancestral rule to stay away from the imperial capital and the day and night surveillance of the Pei family.

Here, she can't move, there is no possibility of success, and she has to guard against the ears of the wall if she wants to say something, but in the fief——

Far away from the imperial capital, the mountains are high and the roads are far away. No matter how long the hands of the new emperor and the Pei family are, it is impossible to make sure there is no omission.

There's always a chance, she thought.

Such a request is reasonable, and Xindi has no reason to refuse at all.

Looking at them kneeling on the ground, Xindi thought for a moment, but he did not refuse.

He only asked: "Your Majesty and Third Brother have really thought about it? If you repent at this moment, I can pretend that I have never heard of anything."

"If the third brother is willing, any official position in the court can be chosen by the third brother. The third brother is talented, and he will be satisfied with any official position. You and I are brothers, and we grew up together. If the third brother wants , I must be satisfied, and I also hope that the third brother will not be bound by this status and be separated from me."

He said nice, hypocritical words.

It was really born in the same mold as the old fox Pei Tingwen. The old fox taught the little fox to speak nicely.

Well said, but cruel.

Qi Mingze is not stupid, he knows that staying here is the fate of an idle prince with no real power, so he might as well go out and give it a try.

(End of this chapter)

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